Pidhoretsky Castle Lost Interiors, the Unique Exhibition in Lviv

Pidhoretsky Castle Lost Interiors, the Unique Exhibition in Lviv

Lviv National Art Gallery hosts a unique exhibition showcasing the captures and items of the lost interiors of the Pidhoretsky Castle, located in Lviv Region. The castle was famous for its lavish interior design and the collection of art it used to house. Sadly, the castle was stripped to bare walls during WW2, with many items shipped to nazi Germany and later to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The exhibition was opened on March 20th, 2017; it showcases over 200 unique items of castle’s interiors that were miraculously saved from being stolen or destroyed.Lviv National Art Gallery offers an interactive tour of the exhibition or a guided tour with historians specializing in the history of Castles of Lviv Region.


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Pidhoretsky Castle is a residential castle-fortress located in the village of Pidhirtsi, located eighty kilometers east of Lviv. It was constructed by Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan between 1635 –1640 by order of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's Grand Crown Hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski. Constructed on the place of the older fortress, the castle has been then part of the Kingdom of Poland, and it is regarded as the most valuable of palace-garden complexes in the eastern borderlands of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Back in glory times of Pidhoretsky Castle there were numerous rumors and legends about its lavishness, tasteful interior design and unique collections of art and antiquities going all over Europe.

Unfortunately, these days Pidhoretsky castle is closed for visitors. Is was horribly damaged during WW2, robbed by nazis and bolsheviks, and turned into psycho asylum during Soviet era. However tourists still include it in their tours as this castle’s magnificent beauty makes it worth exploring if only from the outside.


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Address: 3, Stefanyka street, Lviv.
Open 11:00 - 17:00, Sun 12:00 - 16:00. Closed Mon

Photo source: Lviv Art Gallery Facebook page. 


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