The co-founder of the “Zolotoye Sechenie” auction house may be the first to start the private collection, but Mykhailo Deiak's talent has been long cherished both in Ukrainian and foreign auctions. Thus, in 2014, his work 'Klitchko Brothers Emotion' was sold for $11,8 thousand at the Phillips auction, a year later his painting from the Stools series was worth $16 thousand, and 2017 brought a new record - $19 thousand for 'Water'.
Read: Ukrainian Baroque Exhibition at Triptych Gallery
Moreover, Mykhailo Deiak was recognized as one of the top-20 young artists in the CIS, and took the seventh position in the Forbes rate of the most promising Ukrainian artists. His contrast and bright works are heavily concentrated on landscapes of Kyiv, Odesa and the artist's home — Transcarpathians.
Some of the works depict Venice and Prague, and have been created by Mykhailo during the travels. The exhibition will host 21 paintings, created from 2006 till 2011, most of them firstly presented to the public eye.
The entrance is free, from 31st of January to 17th of February, Mon-Sat (11 A.M. – 7 P.M). Address: 4, Leonida Pervomais'koho street
Photo source:, All images belong to their rightful authors.
Mykhailo Deiak Art Exhibition in Kyiv

End of January is marked with an interesting art event: on the 31st of January, "Zolotoye Sechenie" auction house will host an exhibition of colorful and contrast works of Mykhailo Deiak. Visitors will be able to witness works from the private collection of the auction house co-founder Mikhailo Vasylenko.