«Kyїv art school» Presents Vladyslav Shereshevsky Art Exhibition

«Kyїv art school» Presents Vladyslav Shereshevsky Art Exhibition

On May 30th 2017 Kyiv History Museum invites you to attend Vladyslav Shereshevsky personal exhibition as a part of the «Kyїv art school» project that has been launched earlier this year. Vladyslav Shereshevsky will present his collection of works named «Dorobok 13-17». This artists is a well-known master of humor, grotesque and irony in contemporary visual art.

Vladislav Shereshevsky's creativity integrally unites artistic pathos with genuine irony. His business cards read "An artist with a God-given talent". His paintings are known for their special style, subtle humor, insuperable charm and high level of classical art. Shereshevsky's paintings are presented in a set of private collections in the USA, Israel, Greece, Sweden, Italy, Poland, Germany, Ukraine.
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In an ironical manner inherent to him Vladislav Shereshevsky will show modern society in different manifestations. Shereshevsky's characters cause extreme emotions. «Dorobok 13-17» will showcase art pieces that are in artist’s possession and truthfully and with humor tell about war, hope, love, global changes in the conscious of the modern society.

«Kyїv art school» aims at revealing the history of Ukrainian Art Academy and arranges a series of exhibitions dedicated to the most prominent Kyiv contemporary artists who have lived or studied in the capital of Ukraine.

«Kyїv art school» project is organized by Viktoriya Dhzarty Public Initiative, "DIM" Construction Investment Company, «DEC Education» Educational Company, Galician Restaurant «Lemberg» - gastronomical partner of the event, MaryMaks men’s shirts brand - fashion partner of the event.


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The exhibition will be opened on May 30th, 2017 at Kyiv History Museum (7, Bohdana Khmelnytskoho street, Kyiv).
Images provided by MPR Communications Group. 


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