Kyiv Art Events in May 2017

Kyiv Art Events in May 2017

Believe it or not, Eurovision Song Contest 2017 isn’t the only event to attend in Kyiv in May. Numerous art festivals, exhibitions and fairs are scheduled for the last month of spring. «Destinations» rounds up a list of May art events in the capital of Ukraine that we believe will be interesting to many of our readers.


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Arsenal Book Festival in Kyiv is the largest event in Ukraine where art and literature come together. This major annual book- and literature-themed event in Eastern Europe is held since 2011. It is aimed to promote Ukrainian literary environment and book market through international exchange and dissemination of best practices. Each year the festival brings together over 500 prominent Ukrainian and international writers, artists and experts in the publishing industry. Book Arsenal has a distinct interdisciplinary approach with a great variety of programs: literary, art, music, children and other. In 2017 Arsenal Book Festival will take place on May 17th - 21st at Mystetsky Arsenal (10-12, Lavrska street, Kyiv) and will feature such prominent international guests as Joseph Prince McElroy (US), Askold Melnychuk (US), Jonathan Coe (Great Britain), Franz Goller (Switzerland), Martin Pollak (Austria), Zvonko Karanovych (Serbia), Karl Schlögel (Germany), Andrzej Friszke (Poland), Anna Höglund (Sweden), David Satter (US) and many others.
Read: «Lviv: Allies» Exhibition at Kyiv National Art Museum


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KYIV ART FORT 2017: PERSON BETWEEN THE WAR AND LIFE contemporary art open-air festival will take place at the National Historical and Architectural Museum of Kyiv Fortress (24-A Hospitalna Str). Visitors will have a unique opportunity to see and experience the art that transforms the reality and world’s perception of a modern person and to discuss the important issues about peace, war, new society, and its new heroes. The festival will consist of two spacious exhibition areas showcasing works by famous Ukrainian artists and young talented masters. The main exhibition will be displayed between the Northern Turret and the Rampant, and will feature the scaled peaceful landscapes by Anatoly Kryvolap confronted with the 5-meter tall photo portraits of ATO-soldiers by Andriy Kotlyarchuk.

From May 5th till May 14th, Kyiv «Lavra» art gallery (1, Lavrska street, Kyiv) will be hosting Face of Art international art festival. This festival aims at presenting Kyiv as an attractive platform for creative opportunities and place where international artists will have a chance to find lots of inspiration for their art work. During the festival all the guests can discover the best pieces of art by popular Ukrainian modern artists, attend various art-themed lectures and discussions.


The Short Ambitious Art Action (SAAA) project will be presented as part of the festival named «Mute nights 7 ½» («Nimi nochi 7 ½») in Dovzhenko center on May 12th at 18:30. SAAA exhibition is the result of cooperation of young artists and art managers, graduates, of 2017 program in Contemporary Art at Kyiv Academy of Media Arts. 
Exhibition presents works of 8 artists made in different media (video, installation, photos, light boxes, 3D objects, performances and so on) and is organized by 9 art managers - all graduates of the program.
Address: 1 Vasylkivska St., Dovzhenko center, first floor, Kyiv city, Ukraine.


A very special event will be held in Kyiv this May in connection with upcoming Eurovision 2017. Kyiv Lights Festival is the first festival of lights and media art in Kyiv. For three days, from May 12th till May 14th, Ukrainian and foreign video artists will transform ordinary buildings in the center of Kyiv into huge screens with spectacular video projections to demonstrate the great power of modern technologies.
The competition of 3D-mapping and VJing with prize fund of UAH 125 000 will be the key performance of Kyiv Lights Festival. The competitors from various countries will present their works on the façade of riverboat station building near Poshtova square. During the competition, the artists will have to create a video projection on the building in the real time, accompanied by live DJ set.
Read: Japan – Ukraine. Dialog Festival in Kyiv


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Kyiv Modern Art Research Institute presents The Future in The Past art project. The exhibition will display the works of young up-and-coming Ukrainian artists who have been asked to reflect on such phenomenon as entwining of the future and the past in our everyday life. The exhibition will take place at the Kyiv Modern Art Research Institute (18D, Shchorsa Street, Kyiv) art space from May 8th till May 15th, 2017.
Photo source: social media pages of art events and art galleries mentioned in this article. All images belong to their rightful owners. 



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