«Kyїv art school» Project at Kyiv History Museum

«Kyїv art school» Project at Kyiv History Museum

From April 6th, 2017 Kyiv History Museum invites you to attend «Kyїv art school» unique art project. The project will consist of a series of events that will be happening during 2017 - 2020.

«Kyїv art school» aims at revealing the history of Ukrainian Art Academy and arranges a series of exhibitions dedicated to the most prominent Kyiv contemporary artists who have lived or studied uin the capital of Ukraine. The project will start with the Petro Lebedynets exhibition. P. Lebedynets is a well known contemporary artist who is considered to be the founder of the new wave 20-21 century abstractionism.
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The exhibition will showcase the unique series of works creating the dreaming mood and plunging the visitor into the magic world of vibrant colors. These paintings create the atmosphere of the lightness and freshness. You could not get used to such works of Petro Lebedynets. The stereotypes do not work here, because colours and textures are fascinating. “Light” and “sparkling” are united together and create the special space.

Petro Lebedynets was born in Ukraine in 1956. He graduated from the Kyiv State Academy of Arts in 1984 and quickly gained recognition both in Ukraine and Europe.

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Lebedynets takes colour and texture to new heights. He describes his art as the “reality of abstraction.” His art exists independently from the visible world. In essence, he has managed to breathe new life into the tradition of European non-figurative art. “I constantly experiment in the system of vivid harmony, and not destruction,” states Lebedynets. He was ranked number four of the top hundred contemporary artists in Ukraine by “100 Artists: Modern and Contemporary Ukrainian Art since Independence” national project.

The artist is the member of the National Artist’s Union of Ukraine since 1990.
His works can be found in private collections in the U.K., Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, Belgium, Poland, Netherlands, Spain, Italy and the United States.

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Read: April 2017 Art Life Events in Kyiv
«Kyїv art school» project is organized by Viktoriya Dhzarty Public Initiative, "DIM" Construction Investment Company, «DEC Education» Educational Company, Galician Restaurant «Lemberg» - gastronomical partner of the event, MaryMaks men’s shirts brand - fashion partner of the event.
The exhibition will was opened on April 6th, 2017 on 7 PM at Kyiv History Museum (7, Bohdana Khmelnytskoho street, Kyiv).
Images provided by MPR Communications Group. 


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