The Big Meet in Charlatan Café in Kyiv

Barman making a coctail

This month popular networking community The Big Meet invites everyone for an amazing evening at a brand new bar/restaurant - Charlatan Café in Kyiv.

The venue was opened last month by the owners of Kyiv's famous Alchemist Bar.The same amazing cocktails which you know and love from Alchemist await you, plus a delicious aperitif menu, live music and an awesome street terrace in the heart of romantic Kyiv.
What more do you need for the perfect start of the weekend with The Big Meet & Charlatan Café - Kyiv?
Guests will also enjoy a fantastic welcome cocktail free of charge and have the opportunity to win some prices in the special lottery draw.
18.30 - 22.30
Friday August 17
Shota Rustaveli, 12, Kyiv
Preregistration not required
Entrance UAH 100 per person
Don’t miss the perfect start to the weekend!


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