HORIZONS: Marianna Abramova Exhibition in Kyiv

Marianna Abramova

Kyiv fine art gallery Triptych: Global Arts Workshop presents ‘HORIZONS’, a new series of paintings by Marianna Abramova. The exhibition explores the paradoxes and contradictions that characterize our contemporary lives. The launch will take place on Thursday 24th January 2019 at 19.00.

The horizon line acts as a formal and symbolic divider between the sky and the earth, between dreams and reality, freedom and bondage, the personal and the collective, between the past and the future. The crisp ornamental painting style, stark contrasts, and simple shapes are visual methods employed by Marianna Abramova to represent the condition of contemporary society, polarized and devoid of nuance, where many complex issues are presented in simple terms, and aggression and new conflicts drive a hard and dogmatic division of people into ‘us’ and ‘them’.

“This exhibition is a reflection on the choice that we must all make in the face of the multitude of lines and rhythms of life. It’s about the delicate balance between freedom and limitation, light and dark, the forces of destruction and creation, between man as master of the Universe and as its tiny particle. The meaning of life, the will to freedom, and the reversals of fortune that await us on the way to these beckoning horizons.

In our ambition to be original, we try to distinguish ourselves from the masses, and at the same time fall into certain template of originality provided by the advertising industry and mass media. We strive to feel unique, but create a lifestyle and rhythm that make us more unified and uniform. Scientific and technological developments lead us to new horizons of apparent benefits, but pushes us further away from nature and a harmonic co-existence with the ecosystem, the ego of contemporary man puts under threat. The turning of the wheel of life makes us feel that we’re but specks of dust in the wind. But the conscious choice of a single decisive personality is capable of suddenly changing the pattern of existence”, states artist Marianna Abramova.


According to gallery director Myroslava Hartmond, “Marianna Abramova is an artist and curator with a rich international portfolio, whose distinctive style has admirers around the world. The minimalist composition, monochrome palette with bright tonal accents, and the allegorical quality of the works tackle themes that relate to the human condition through the prism of individual perception. Marianna’s art is an established visual communication system, an artistic language with its own vocabulary. For example, the human silhouette appears in many of her paintings, woven into the mosaic of the picture plain. It acts as a sort of hallmark, a building block, adding a personal touch to the canvas and encouraging the viewer to transition from spectator to participant of the painting’s internal dynamic.”

Marianna Abramova is a contemporary Ukrainian artist, curator of a number of international art projects that attract participating artists from around the world, and the director of Cultural Centre ‘ArtLine’. She is a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, and the Visual Artists Association of Central Greece (VAACG). Marianna Abramova regularly participates in exhibitions, art projects, and symposia in Ukraine and abroad. Her works are part of the collection of the Marc Chagall Museum in Vitebsk, Belarus, and state and private collections in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Jordan, the Lebanon, et al.

When: 29.11 – 12.11.2018
In partnership with the Ukrainian Association for Feminine Research in the Arts (UAFRA).
Daily, 11.00 –19.00
Free entry
Launch at 19.00 on Thursday 29.11.2018

Where: Triptych: Global Arts Workshop
34 Andriyivskyy Uzviz, Kyiv, UKRAINE 04 070
+38 044 279 0759

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