Ukraine: 12 amazing facts


Surely not even all Ukrainians know about all these facts. Meanwhile, they allow to evaluate the uniqueness and significance of this country in the global context. We chose the most interesting facts about Ukraine, its history and modernity.

Before it was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars in 1240, Kyiv was one of the largest cities in Europe. It was about fifty times as large as London and ten times as large as Paris.

Ukraine has a quarter of all black soil reserves on Earth. Ukraine is one of the largest grain exporters in the world.

One of the most famous Christmas carols around the world is known as “Carol of the Bells” or “Ring Christmas Bells”. In fact, this is the traditional Ukrainian melody “Shchedryk”, which was first recorded by the composer Mykola Leontovych.

Arsenalna metro station in Kiev is the deepest in the world. It is located at a depth of 105 m. This station was built one of the first – in 1960.

Ukrainians are one of the most educated nations. Ukraine ranks fourth in the world in the number of citizens with higher education. Currently, 520 state and 144 private universities work in Ukraine.

Ukrainian trembita is the longest wind musical instrument in the world. Traditionally it is used by the Ukrainian highlanders - Hutsuls. It is made preferably from tree trunks, which were previously struck by lightning, which gives trembita a unique sound. It is used by shepherds to report various events (for example, a wedding or death), as well as to play herding melodies.


The first kerosene lamp was invented in Lviv by the workers of the pharmacy “Under the Golden Star” Ignatii Lukasiewycz and Jan Zeh in 1853. In the same year, the first surgical operation was performed in a Lviv hospital under a kerosene lamp. Subsequently, a kerosene lamp was presented at the international exhibition in Munich, where this invention was marked by a special certificate.

The first prototype of the frame hive was invented in Ukraine in 1814 by Petro Prokopovych. In 1851, the design was improved by the American inventor Langstroth. Now this type of hive is used by beekeepers around the world. Ukraine in recent years confidently retains a place in the top three world leaders in the production of honey.

frame hive

Ostrog Academy is the first institution of higher education in Eastern Europe. It was founded by Prince Ostrozhsky Kostyantyn-Vasyl in 1576.

The geographical center of Europe is located on the territory of Ukraine in an incredibly picturesque place - the Transcarpathian city of Rakhiv.

One of the most interesting historical facts about Ukraine. The first constitution in the world was adopted in Ukraine on April 5, 1710 by Pylyp Orlyk. Pylyp was elected hetman of the Zaporozhye army. On the same day, Pylyp Orlyk declared the “Constitution of the rights and freedoms of the Zaporozhian troops”. In the USA, the Constitution was adopted in 1787, in France and Poland - only in 1791.

The longest trolley route in the world is in the Crimea. It connects Symferopol and Yalta and has a length of 86 km.

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