The Secrets of the House with Chimaeras in Kiev

The Secrets of the House with Chimaeras in Kiev

There are plenty of beautiful and interesting buildings in Kiev, which, unfortunately can be observed only from outside. To get inside the House with Chimaeras you need to book your visit many months in advance, always providing passport data. Now you have an opportunity to take a glance at the interior and discover the secrets of the House with Chimaeras in Kiev.

This unusual house, known far beyond the borders of Kiev, was built by famous architect Horodecki in 1902. A year later, 40-year-old architect moved in here with his family. However, he lived here not for a long time: he had to pawn the house because of numerous debts. After the house changed several owners, it was given for communal apartments in 1921. After the war, it housed the hospital for employees of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. In the early 90ies, Kiev residents could easily get into and fully enjoy the unusual building: it was open to the public. However, after the reconstruction in 2005, the house became a state residence for the reception of foreign delegations.

Once inside, it is necessary to look up - to admire the ceilings decorated with stucco in the form of animals, and the incredible beauty of chandeliers. Very beautiful and a meeting room, decorated with stucco a Kiev cake.

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The impressive main entrance to the house - with an octopus on the ceiling and elegant stairway, decorated with bird's legs and cupids.

Once Horodecki’s residence changed a lot since 1903. The office room was transformed into the cloakroom for President’s guests and the children’s room was united with the bedroom to become the briefing hall.
‘It is quiet here.. But sometimes, at night, we can hear footsteps and a sudden knock. We got used to these noises, it’s probably the old spirit capers. He loves to do it’, - say the guards.

Read: Mystical Places of Kyiv

Now when you know the secrets of the House with Chimaeras in Kiev, it will be even more thrilling to see it in Ukrainian capital.


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