Peculiar Places to Visit in Lviv

Peculiar Places to Visit in Lviv

Photo: depositphotos.comJust when you think you’ve seen it all… this selection of Lviv peculiar places to visit will get you off the beaten track offering some of the hidden delights of this beautiful city.

Street with Multiple Names

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Sending a postcard to someone who lives on this peculiar street in Lviv might be a challenging experience. You can spot the building with many street name plates in the heart of Lviv historic center, just between Brativ Rohatyntsiv street and Valova street. Each year Lviv City Council adds a new street name plate and the street initially called Arkhivna (Archive street) receives a new name.
Lviv hosts annual Independent Cinematography Festival «Kinolev», each year «Kinolev» is named after world famous cinematography celebrities and these names become the new names of Arkhivna street. Currently, the street is named after Charlie Chaplin, Federico Fellini, Sergey Parajanov, Andrei Tarkovsky, Ingmar Bergman, François Truffaut and Yuriy Illenko.
Read: Lviv Unusual City Tours

Monument of a Backpack

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Monument of a backpack stands in the courtyard of the Geographical department of Lviv National University. The backpack is the international and universal attribute for travelers and it's very symbolic that such monument appeared in Lviv, which is known as a very popular tourist destination.
Where to find: 41, Doroshenka street, walk through the arch into the courtyard.

Museum of Human Disease

Photo: Lviv National Medical University web page
Lviv Museum of Human Disease was founded in 1896 by famous Ukrainian coroner and medical examiner Andrew Obzhut. First exhibit pieces were brought from Paris over 150 years ago. The Museum contains examples of both infectious and non-infectious diseases as well as a collection of hundreds specimens of human tissue.
Address: 69, Pekarska street, Lviv National Medical University, Lviv.

Yuseh Sosnivskyy Palace and St Clemets Cathedral

This location could be very interesting for the tourists as here you can explore the impressive red-brick catholic church (St Clement Cathedral) which is not often listed in the guidebooks and, right across the street, you will see another significant Lviv architectural sight - the house of Josef Sosnovskyy. This house is built in a lavish palace style and wows almost all who sees it for the first time.
Address: 50-52 Chuprynka street, Lviv.

Soviet Era Courtyard

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Lviv is deprived of Soviet era architecture and all of its attributes. Here, in Lviv, the decommunization process started long before recently signed Ukrainian official law. However, in this peculiar Lviv courtyard tourists still can find the legacies of the communist culture in the form of USSR leaders’ framed portraits, soviet era furniture, house ware, books, etc.
Address: 2, Knyazya Leva street, Lviv.
Read: 5 Unusual Things To Do in Lviv
We believe even most experienced travelers will find one or two things to add to their bucket lists next time they visit Lviv after checking out our top 5 peculiar places to visit in Lviv.


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