New Railway Connection: Kiev - Berlin

New Railway Connection: Kiev - Berlin

Photo Shutterstock.comWe are all used to travel by air to save the time and, sometimes, money. Taking a train might be a good option for short-distance journeys. Nevertheless, with the new speed railway connection between Kiev and Berlin can make you feel that German capital is way closer to Ukraine than it seems!

According to fresh information from Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure, Ukraine is expanding the network of high-speed railways. The first step towards this intention will be made with launching a new express train track from Kiev to the capital of Germany.
Now the Ministry of Infrastructure is preparing a memorandum of cooperation with Chinese investors. Construction will begin as soon as the parties agree on all financial matters. However, it is already known where the railroad tracks will be paved. The first direction will go from Kiev through Lviv and Warsaw to Berlin. The second connection planned to go from Kiev to Odessa. The Minister also mentioned that the second route can be stretched to Crimea, when this area returns to the Ukraine.

Read: New Air Destinations in Ukraine
Don’t hesitate to try out the new railway connection between Kiev and Berlin when it is ready. It can turn out to be a romantic journey with nostalgic experience!


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