Mezhyhirya Residence and Park near Kiev

Mezhyhirya Residence and Park near Kiev

Since mid-November 2014, Mezhyhirya has been a beautiful park complex with a museum that displays the luxury of its former owner, former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich, who abandoned the estate during the 2014 Ukrainian revolution.

The original residence was founded in 1935 on the site of an ancient Mezhyhirsky Monastery, known since XII century. In Soviet times, all the monastery buildings were demolished and in their place is located recreation center with a country house of the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, popularly known as ‘Cottage Shcherbytsky’. In 2002, Mezhyhirya has become the residence of Yanukovych, who was then the Prime Minister of Ukraine. As president, Yanukovich privatized residence area of 137 hectares and launched large-scale constructions here. The system includes: a club house ‘Honka’ (the main palace), the old house of Yanukovych, a guest house (widely referred to as ‘Putin's House’), landing stage ‘Galleon’, sports complex, spa, golf course, yacht club, a garage with a collection of vintage cars, private zoo, dog training center, a huge park with artificial lakes and others. Now it is a symbol of corruption in Ukraine.

Read: New Zoo near Kiev

Since February 2014, Mezhyhirya complex is open for everyone to access. Walking tours with a visit to "Honky" and sightseeing tours on electric cars are conducted on a regular basis. In addition, you can also rent a bike, do horse riding and have coffee and snacks here.

Mezhyhirya has not very attractive history, however it is an interesting place to visit near Kiev to spend a pleasant day outside the city and enjoy its beautiful park and territory.

Read: Weekend Outside Kiev: Top 3 Interesting Places
Where: Novi Petrivtsi, Vyshhorod district, Kiev region


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