Local Markets in Odessa

Local Markets in Odessa

Odessa is one of those cities that fascinate its residents and guests not only with scenic sandy beaches, or ancient history. It is also famous for its local markets where life complies with its own laws.

There is no doubt that local residents and almost all tourists know about Odessa’s most famous local markets, such as Privoz food market and Starokonnyi flea market. The Privoz Market is located at 14 Privozna Street. It is the largest food market in the city. Starokonnyi is the oldest flea market in Odessa, located at Rozkydailivska street. However, this city still can surprise its visitors. There are a couple of markets (such as Sedmoi market, and Noviy bazaar), which are worth visiting to experience a real spirit of the city.
Sedmoi Market (the ‘Seventh’ market)
The Sedmoi market is located 7km away from Odessa. This is a unique place where people follow their own laws and rules, and even speak their language of trade. In addition to native Odessites, you can meet here people from all over the world (including Chinese, Africans, Turks, Georgian) and many others. What is more, it is one of the largest markets in Europe. The Sedmoi market, which occupies the territory of 170 hectares, is always open from dawn to 3pm. You can get there by minibus.
Read: Famous Markets in Odessa
It is possible to buy here all kinds of goods, such as shoes, sunglasses, perfumes, underwear, toys, T-shirts, books, cell phones, and even wedding dresses. It is divided into several streets with colorful names and this differs this market from others. The main rulers of this place are the Chinese. They are considered the ‘kings of the wholesale market’.
Just like other markets, the Sedmoi market has its own history of creation. It was opened in 1989 in the times of the USSR. That time the local authorities made a decision to unite all the street traders in Odessa under one roof. Thus, the market was built 7km away from Odessa. Its first traders were former doctors, and engineers, people of other professions who were out of work. In spite of the economic crisis, this market is full of traders and clients as it ever was.
Novy Bazaar (New Market)
The Novy Bazaar is one of the oldest local markets in Odessa and it is the recognized monument of architecture, being one of the most beautiful markets in the city. In this place it is possible to hear a famous Odessa jargon. Local residents love to come here for several reasons: to buy foods, household furniture, and other goods, and get the latest news.
The market has its own history. Since the local market Privoz could not hold all sellers any more, the local authorities decided to build a new market in the 19th century. Hence the Novy market got its name.
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Many writers, such as Konstantin Paustovsky, Eduard Bagritsky, Volodymyr Sosyura mentioned this bazaar in their works, because it was one of those places where they drew their inspiration.
If you feel like learning more about the life of Odessites and to hear their famous jargon, come to Odessa and visit its famous local markets.
Photos: shutterstock.com. All images belong to their rightful owners.


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