Landscape Park at Buky Village Near Kyiv

Landscape Park at Buky Village Near Kyiv

Buky village in Kyiv region is popular travel destination due to the beautiful landscape park located on its territory. This is a perfect option for a weekend getaway with friends or family, as the place offers charming and beautifully designed setting for picnics and leisure walks and it’s only an hour drive from the busy Kyiv.


In 1996 local businessman Ivan Suslov bought a 2.7 ha plot of land near the village, which was used as a dumpster by locals, and turned it into beautiful landscape park. The park attracts thousands of tourists who come here to admire the beautiful countryside. Now this place has become one of the most beautiful parks in Ukraine.


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Buky landscape park consists of 2 parts. The first part is housing a huge fountain that previously adorned the Independence Square in Kyiv, the bell tower of Daniel and the Church of St. Eugene.


The church complex and park were designed by an architect Yuri Babych. Despite the fact that the architect has been quite famous by that time, this complex is probably the most significant work of his. And the architect was awarded for it by the state. Individual elements were changed by Ivan Suslov, such as roofs on each side of the church in the form of huge doves. The entrance to this park is free of charge.


The park has a mini hydroelectric power station that provides electricity to the entire territory. The HPS is organically built in the landscape and is a part of the park. There's a plan to build a cascade of small HPSs to provide electricity to the entire Skvyra area.

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Another part of the park houses the residence of the Suslov family: the estate is located right in the park. Previously, access was open to visitors throughout the entire territory, you could even approach Suslov's house. But soon access to the house was closed due to a large number of visitors.

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Buky landscape park also has a restaurant where you can dine and enjoy the beauty of the place. Also, there are several summer cafes. Open hours: Friday-Sunday, from 09:00 to 17:00. Days off: Monday-Thursday. There is a free parking lot near the park.
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