Leaving train for a few days without losing ticket
Any passenger has the right to make a stop during trip and to prolong validity period of his/her ticket up to 10 days. To do so, traveler has to show the ticket at ticket desk on the station where he/she went off the train within 3 hours after arrival. Station employee will put a special stamp on the ticket, and you will have to pay only a reserved seat price when you decide to continue your trip.
Free toilets on railway station
All passengers with ticket currently in effect are allowed to use toilets on railway stations for free. If you show your ticket to employee, he/she will be obliged to provide you using water closets free of charge on any station along your way. So remember: it is reasonable to keep your ticket (paper or electronic) till the end of journey.
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Occupying a whole carriage
Those who love unusual trips have an opportunity to occupy a whole carriage to travel alone or with friends. Furthermore, it is even possible to occupy a whole train! Ordering such a service must be discussed with railway administration in advance, because you will have to sign an agreement. Ukrainian railways also offer comfortable salon carriages for 11 people, which are available for an order in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv and Dnipro.
Travelling with pets
If you have home pets such as rabbits, cats, dogs, chinchillas or birds, you will be definitely delighted to know that you are allowed to transport them in Ukrainian trains for free. However, you have to keep to particular rules. Small animals must be kept in special cages, baskets or boxes. Moreover, they must have veterinary passport. If you keep to these requirements, you can take your animals on a train as a standard luggage. However, big dogs are an exception. If you need to take a large dog on a train, you will have to pay for a whole compartment in carriage.
Going earlier than scheduled
If you had already bought a ticket, but your plans have changed, and schedule includes another train, which goes to your destination earlier, you can redraft you ticket and take that earlier train. Please note that this option is available only if there are free seats left on the desired train. Besides that, if you want to buy a ticket in higher class, you will have to pay the difference. And vice versa: if your new ticket is in lower class, the ticket office will return the price difference to you.
Getting on a train without ticket
Each of us can face the situation when we fail to buy ticket in advance. In such case, passenger can get on a train on condition that train manager allows this. Remember that in this situation you have to get on a staff carriage first, and there your ticket will be drafted within an hour. You will not be obliged to pay any fine for that. Official passenger traffic rules say that this option is available only in “exceptional cases”, but characteristics of an exceptional case are not determined.
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Changing bed sheets
Each set of bed sheets must be hermetically packed. If that pack is damaged, passenger has the right to ask for new sheets. The same applies to situation if bed sheets are spotted, humid or have any other defects. Conductor is also obliged to collect sheets in the end of the trip, so you do not have to carry your sheets to him on his request. Also, conductor does not have the right to take away your bed sheets earlier than 30 minutes before arrival to final destination.
Asking conductor for useful things
You can always ask train conductor for such useful stuff as glass and spoon (even if you do not drink tea), fork, stitching and needle, things for garments and shoes care, medical drugs and even some board games, which will save you from boredom: checkers, chess and dominoes.
Changing train for free
If your train arrives to station later than scheduled, and that becomes the reason why you are late for another train, you have the right to use another train for free. This also applies for the case if your train has been cancelled before reaching transit station. If in course of trip passenger sees that train is going to be late, he/she has to inform train conductor or machinist about desired transit on a particular station. The conductor is obliged to inform staff of transit station so that they will be able to hold back the train on which passenger is going to get on. If conductor fails to do so, he or duty officer of the station must help passenger to get on another train free of any charge.
Temperature mode
If you feel that temperature in your carriage is below or above suitable level of comfort, do not hesitate to call train manager and ask him to show you legal norms of passengers transportation. In the case when the temperature is not in the limits of these norms, you have the right to demand on equivalent place in another carriage with acceptable temperature.
Obligations of conductor
Train conductor obligations include informing passengers about sanitary zones 30 minutes before closing of toilet. He/she is also obliged to wake passenger up and inform about reaching passenger`s destination 30 minutes before arrival. If conductor fails to do that, and passenger misses his/her station, then conductor must execute official document with passenger`s signature, which will allow passenger to get back to desired destination free of charge.
Travel with comfort using free of charge railway services in Ukraine.
Photo source: shutterstock.com. All photos belong to their rightful owners.
Free of Charge Railway Services in Ukraine

Using railway is surely one of the best ways to travel throughout Ukraine. Thousands of travelers buy train tickets every day, but hardly one of them knows the whole range of services included in the ticket price. Trust us: there are some very useful life hacks hidden in Ukrainian railway tickets. Check out the list of free services of Ukrainian railways, which you have never been told about at ticket desk or on a train.