Obedience Rally and Darts Pitch & Go
Welcome to the first obedience rally contest in Ukraine! This is an exciting sports game, where dog and its owner have to pass a special route made of numerated signs with symbols (“stations”). Each symbol identifies a particular skill, which has to be demonstrated by a participant. The number of tasks depends on complexity level. An owner is allowed to communicate with a dog while it is passing the route. He/she can speak to a dog, encouraging it. Quick and correct passing of the route is the main task of obedience rally participants. Also, a dog and its owner have to show good team work. The contest is judged by professional arbitrators. All dog owners and their pets are also invited to take part in Darts Pitch & Go game. The rules are simple: an owner throws a toy or a ball, and a dog has to bring it back without letting it fall to the ground as many times as possible in 90 seconds. Both contests of the event welcome experienced participants as well as beginners.
When: March 31, 10 AM–3 PM
Where: Dog School, 48a, Getmana street
Event page
Read: Dog-Friendly Places in Kyiv
“In the World of Animals” Show Program
Kyiv Rus historical park, located not far from Ukrainian capital, invites everyone interested to join an unusual event dedicated to communication with animals. During “In the World of Animals” show the guests of Kyiv Rus will learn many interesting facts about interaction of people and animals many centuries ago and today. All guests are welcome together with their pets, no matter if they are dogs, cats, birds or other representatives of animal world. Pet owners will have a chance to tell the audience about their favorite animal and to boast its beauty and skills. The employees of the park will take photos and make videos, so the guests will be able to find pictures of themselves and their lovely fluffy friends in social media. The program also includes contests, workshops, games and flash mobs as well as tasting authentic dishes and drinks at open air spots and in “Vesely Variag” restaurant.
When: April 21-22, 10 AM–7 PM
Where: Kyiv Rus park, Kopachev village, Kyiv oblast`
Event page
Qualification Contest on Dog Dances (Canine Freestyle)
Larmon dog training center welcomes everybody to take part in canine freestyle dancing contest – as participants or as viewers. This unusual event, where owners will dance with their dogs, is supported by Ukrainian Kennel Union. Canine freestyle, one of the most entertaining kind of canine sports, appeared in 1980s in Canada, England, the Netherlands and the USA. This sport quickly gained popularity all around the world. Nowadays, canine freestyle contests are very popular and attract large audiences in many countries including Ukraine. Canine freestyle does not require special conditions and equipment. The only thing essential for canine freestyle is maximal contact and trust between pet and its owner. Usually a canine freestyle dancing session lasts from 1 to 5 minutes. This kind of activity suits any dogs independent of their size and breed and any dog owners from kids to grown ups. Registration is open till March 30.
When: April 28, 9 AM–1 PM
Where: 15, Brovarsky avenue, International Exhibition Center
Event page & register
Hvostatiy Dvizh (Tailed Movement)
The organizers of Hvostatiy Dvizh (“Tailed Movement”) promise to introduce a completely new format of spending free time with dogs. If you are tired of trainings and dog shows, Hvostatiy Dvizh may be exactly what you need. The dog owners and their pets will enjoy photo areas, open-air food courts with comfortable chairs and musical performance from DJ. The program also includes fair of Ukrainian brands producing items for animals, where you will find clothes and accessories for your pet. Besides, the event offers educational lectures on proper pet care. The event will be held in cozy G13 studio in 2 spacious halls, on balcony and in inner yard. To take part in the event, your pet has to be vaccinated and friendly to other animals. Entrance is free for those who register in advance.
When: May 12, 12 PM–8 PM
Where: 23, Baltiysky lane, G13 project studio
Event page
Read: Pets Friendly Hotels in Kyiv
AlfaDogFest Picnic
All those who are interested in professional dog trainings or just love animals are welcome to visit a special thematic picnic. The program of the event includes open championship of Ukrainian Kennel Union on general training course; exhibition performances of Alfa dog training school; playground for puppies; free consulting of professional cynologists; entertainment activities and contests with prizes; fair and food court. Entrance to the event is free.
When: April 14, 9 AM–3 PM
Where: Peremogy park, 8a, Vyzvolyteliv street
Event page
Spring 2018 in Kyiv seems to bring many bright positive moments for dogs and their owners. Enjoy!
Photo source: shutterstock.com, websites of events mentioned above. All photos belong to their rightful owners.
Dog-Friendly Spring 2018 Events in Kyiv

The coming of spring is a pleasure for any dog as well as for its owner: it brings warm weather and so many opportunities for joyful walks outside. As for spring 2018 in Kyiv, it is going to delight dog fans and their lovely pets more than just with good weather and long strolls in green parks! What about a picnic, a rally or a dance together with your fluffy buddy? This spring all dogs and their owners are welcome to take part in exciting dog-friendly events in Kyiv.