Bicycle Routes Near Lviv

Bicycle Routes Near Lviv

The biking infrastructure in Lviv still has a long way to go in order to reach the European standards, however, the cycling movement, meaning people’s desire to bike with comfort, is extremely recognizable. For cycling enthusiasts who are visiting Lviv region and would like to discover it on a bike, we round up some most popular bicycle routes near Lviv. These routes are of low to medium difficulty level and will be great options for cyclists who are able to ride 60-100 km a day without much effort.

Pidzamche District to Stare Selo Village Route
This bicycle route will be a good choice for medium-skilled cyclists. The route starts at Mariya Snizhna Church, the oldest church in Lviv, which dates back to 13th century, at Pidzamche District. The route goes through the highest top of Lviv city – “Vysokyj Zamok” hill (“The High Castle” hill) -and the picturesque “Znesinnya” landscape park, where «Shevchenkivsky Gai» museum of national architecture is located.

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Photo: the traditional wooden church at «Shevchenkivsky Gai» museum of vernacular  architecture
The next stop is the town of Vynnyky, where the remains of German settlement of the 13th century are preserved. Travelers can examine the former German church and the remains of the medieval castle, which are spread over the territory of one of the oldest tobacco factories in Europe. The next stop is Zvenygorog, the city that once used to be the capital of Lviv region. This is a cozy little town which will be perfect place for a lunch break.

Vynnyky Kostel
Photo: the old Cathedral in Vynnyky town near Lviv
The tour comes to an end in the Stare Selo village, which houses one of the biggest fortresses in Ukraine. In 1448 a wooden castle was built over there for military purposes. Later on, it was rebuilt in stone. Nowadays this fortress is often used as a backdrop for historical films, as well as a place for different festivals of medieval culture and craft.
Starting point of the tour: Lviv, Mariya Snizhna Church
Length of the route: 50 km
Duration of the trip: 9 hours
End of the tour: the village Stare Selo (railway station)
Read: Renting a Bike in Lviv

Less-Known Castles of Lviv Region Bicycle Route
This route is one of the longest and the most interesting one-day bicycle routes in Lviv region. It offers to discover some less-known medieval monasteries and castles of the area. This excursion route can be planned as an extension to “Pidzamche District to Stare Selo Village” bicycle tour as its starting point is the fortress in Stare Selo village.

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Photo: the entrance to the Stare Selo fortress, which stands in ruins these days.
Beautiful landscapes, small rivers and lakes frame the narrow twisted road to the old town of Bibrka. The name of the town means «the beavers’ town» in Ukrainian, as there were many beavers in this region in the past. The town houses an old Catholic church and chapel and the historical Market square.

Photo: Svirzh castle 
The route lies through gentle slopes area, which start to resemble the landscape of the Carpathians. The next stop is Svirzh. This is the small town famous for its medieval castle. The castle by the lake was founded in the 15th century and later on was used as a location for shooting numerous historical movies.
After Svirzh the route leads to the town of Pomoryany in the picturesque Holohory mountains chain area, where there are ruins of the favorite castle of the Polish king Jan III Sobieski. In Pomoryany there is a medieval city hall, Catholic church and another wooden church of the 17th century.

Photo: Univ Monastery
As an option, the route can have an extra stop at St. Mary Assumption monastery in Univ, which is the biggest monastery in Galicia. In 1400 it was founded by Dmytro Lagodovsky, whose gravestone is there.
The finale destination of the route is Zolochiv town, where there is also a castle of the 17th century, medieval churches and defense facilities.

zolochiv podvirya
Photo: Beautiful Zolochiv Palace after major restoration
Starting point of the route: Village Stare Selo (railway station)
Length of the route: 110 km
Duration of the trip: 1 day
End of the route: Zolochiv (Railway station)
Read: Bicycle Routes Near Kyiv

Roztochchia Bicycle Route
This is one of the most popular bicycle routes in Lviv region. Historical landmarks, beautiful nature, fresh air and gentle slopes are the most attractive parts of this cycling route. The route starts in the old town of Zhovkva which is the second-biggest city in Lviv region. The town boasts numerous historical landmarks of the 17th – 18th century. There is a castle, a monastery, a Market square and ancient defense facilities well worth observing.
The next stop of the route is Krekhiv. This is a cozy village where the old St. Nicolas fortress monastery of the 16th – 17th century is located amid the greenery of Yavoriv national natural park.

Photo: Zhovkva downtown 
Afterwards, the route leads the cyclists to Stradch cave monastery of the 11th century.
The route goes through the national park of Roztochchia with its unique flora and fauna. The next stop is Horodok, the old town of the 13th century where there are various old churches of the 15th – 18th century and a nice city hall.
The tour comes to the end in a village Shchyrets, where there is a defense church of St. Stanislav (the 15th century) and St. Trinity church of the 16th century.
Starting point of the route: Zhovkva railway station
Length of the route: 90 km
Duration of the trip: 1 day
End of the route: Shchyrets railway station
Read: Most Beautiful Lviv Temples
Photo source:,, All images belong to their rightful owners. 


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