Ukrainian fashion world: Ksenia Schnaider

Ukrainian fashion world: Ksenia Schnaider

Ksenia Schnaider brand is well-known in Ukraine nowadays and is created by a young couple Ksenia and Anton. The designers participate in all modern fashion shows in the country and also are getting famous abroad.

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“We met on the beach in Crimea, and then met again in Moscow, fell in love and got married - that's such a common story” Ksenia says. “When we started dating I told Anton about the fashion world, shared my experience and emotions. For Anton, graphic designer by profession, the world of fashion is savagery and he is confused about the rules of existence in this environment”.
But in this or that way the brand became successful not only in Ukraine but also in the other countries. The designers use the latest opportunities of offline and online collaboration with end customers and have a very creative approach to their fashionable business. Ksenia shares her ideas about fashion in Ukraine with Destinations.

Ksenia, what your and Anton’s achievements of 2015 can you mention?
It was intense and challenging year for us. We went to New York for the exhibition with our collection for the first time, we participated in Helsinki fashion week and we visited Paris showroom. Looking back I can say only "thank you".
What do you really expect from 2016?
The biggest expectation is the launch of our online store.
And probably the same questions can be asked about Ukrainian fashion and design in general. What trends do you notice now and what ones will be in the fashion world in 2016?

The main trend is that people stop thinking about brands and think about particular items. You can’t entrap the buyer only with promoted label; customer will not purchase the clothes which he/she does not like and vice-versa he/she can buy things of completely unknown brand if he/she really likes the quality or idea. We also observe such approach now in Ukraine. This year a lot of new brands have appeared and they become popular rapidly.
Many designers talk about what you’ve said now. The boundaries among brands are blurred now and due to the abundance of offerings the buyer carefully chooses things on the basis of his/her own individual needs. He does not want to wear something that can be bought by 20-100-1000 people but wants to stand out and feel comfortable. And in such a furious pace of life the designers need to be extremely competitive and have to find a way to directly contact the customer online and offline. Do you agree with this? And do you feel the pressure?

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I do not think it's a pressure. I think the process goes in the right direction - from quantity to quality, from shopping as a therapy for all ills to the customer’s conscious choice. I share these values and I do not feel difficulties.
Your dress builder digital platform allows such an online individual approach to customers when they, customers, can make personalized dresses. What will happen next? Will the designer rather be a seller than the creator? Who will dictate the fashion trends? Where is the golden mean?
I think there will be designers-creators, stylists, designers-pop stars, and others. Anyone can find his/her own place. The main thing is to believe in what you're doing and to call a spade a spade.
Are there any Ukrainian designers whom you want to highlight among others?
It will be a long list; I like a lot of different ones.
Do you see a recognizable face of the Ukrainian design today?
It's too early to talk about this. Give us another five or ten years.

Interviewed by Anna Vishtak


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