SS/18 Olena Dats’ Collection

SS/18 Olena Dats’ Collection

When creating SS/18 collection within Ukrainian Fashion Week, Olena Dats was inspired by the work of the Austrian modernist Gustav Klimt and the graphic artist Aubry Beardsley. The entire collection is trimmed in white, golden and black colors.

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The collection can be divided into two parts: light dresses and shirts with a golden or black floral print, inspired by the work of Gustav Klimt, and dresses in the style of the ar-nouveau era with graphic ornamentation and strict silhouette, created under the impression of works by Aubry Beardsley. The new collection of Olena Dats SS/18 is a story about secular parties of the early twentieth century on the Lazur Coasts, about red carpets and escape from the routine to the luxury world.
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The dresses with embroidery and print will appeal to modern girls who are nostalgic for the golden age of Ar-Nouveau, America Fitzgerald, beautiful jazz and fine art. The main motive of the collection was the flower of iris, made in the technique of silk-screen printing and embroidery with ironwork. The ornament adorns blouses, skirts, dresses and shirts. The collection was extremely feminine, elegant and light - all over the individual designer's handwriting. In the center of attention - dresses of different lengths, skirts, blouses and shirts of a complex and at the same time laconic cut.
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After the show in Kyiv, Olena Dats will go to Paris to participate in Paris Fashion Week. "When I create a collection, I also think about those will wear this wearing and how it will be sold. Otherwise I will not be able to create the next collection. And I do not think this is the wrong approach, because the clothes that are not worn do not make sense, and when I see French women in the streets of Paris in my dresses, I want to work further. This is my main inspiration", - says Olena Dats.


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