Renewed Central Department Store of Kyiv

Renewed Central Department Store of Kyiv

Central department store of Kyiv, well known as TSUM (ЦУМ), was opened after renovation in the beginning of December 2016 and became one of the most discussed issues in the city. Its modern design and brands make it one of the biggest attractions for shopaholics in Kyiv.

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Anton Glivynskyy (ESTA Holding Chief Reputation Officer) shared with us all important information about renewed department store.
“We have been reconstructing TSUM for 4 years and it is a kind of a child for me. I can talk about it for hours. It was not a very easy way, but I like the result. In fact the department store will be in “perfect shape” within 6 months. A lot of things need to be done still.
There are 8 stores and 2 levels of parking over there. Underground level is created for men. They are not fond of shopping so we think that they won’t be very happy to get up to the high levels of TSUM.
On this underground level they can make shopping as well as to drink a cup of coffee and a bit later a glass of whiskey waiting for their women.
Read: “Warm” Ukrainian Brands
We plan to open a bar there very soon. 3 upper levels are for women. Premium brands are represented on the 2nd Floor. These are world famous brands as well as Ukrainian designer’s clothing. So the tourists can purchase really authentic things here. On the 3rd floor mid-level brands are located, and the 4th floor is for sport and affordable Ukrainian clothing.
There are goods for kids and home on the 5th floor. On the 6th floor we created a kind of farmer’s market with all types of products. Here anyone can buy some fish or meat and the staff can cook it right here. It is a food-court and market combined together.
The 7th floor is still closed but it will be a really amazing surprise for our guests. There will be two great panoramic terraces there with hi-end restaurants.
We provide really unique services to our clients and guests such as:
*Personal shopping center and personal shopping consultant FOR FREE
*Tailoring studio 
Here any guest can ask for advice while choosing the clothes and to fit it perfectly with a tailor’s service.
Women and men will have an opportunity to make manicure and hair styling in the Mall.
This is a complete Shopping eco-system, so to say. Come and see it with your own eyes!”
Photo: TSUM (7), Anna Vishtak (3), Anton Glivynskyy (1)


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