Eyes on Me: BVLGARI New Collection and Art Project

Eyes on Me: BVLGARI New Collection and Art Project

Photo: YUMMY BTLOn October 20th, 2016 Kyiv Passage hosted the presentation of «Soul Searching» virtual reality format art project and new collection by iconic brand BVLGARI. The «Soul Searching» project was created by Ukrainian artist Oksana Levchenya-Konstantinovska. 

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The event was hosted and supervised by BVLGARI boutique in Kyiv managing director Nataliya Cherep. The event was also attended by BVLGARI international officials.

It is a well-known fact that the iris of an eye is unique for every individual and it has a combination of genetically encoded lines and patterns of its own. The study of the human’s eye brings an exciting information and it is believed that the pattern of human’t iris holds more information on individual than fingerprints. Something similar happens in the world of gemology. All the natural gem stones are unique. Gems have had people longing for them for millennia. They mesmerized people with their glint and elaborate beauty. The oldest myths described gem stones as the magical eyes of nature, possessing their own healing energy. BULGARI is revealing this magical beauty of gemstones in its «Eyes on Me» new collection.
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«Soul Searching» art project aims at illustrating the intersection of century old traditions with modern virtual reality innovations, unique human DNA code and authentic identity of gemstones in the jewelry pieces.

How do we define what’s beautiful and what’s ugly? What is the definition of aesthetics these days? People often use Devine proportion theory, Fibonacci sequence or Feng Shui system to answer these questions. Contemporary artist Oksana Levchenya-Konstantynovska looked deep inside human’s body to find the genuine beauty and harmony that comes from within. Visitors of the «Soul Searching» exhibition will emerge into phantasmagorical world of inner human beauty.


The project combines Virtual Reality technologies (Gear VR) provided by Samsung, contemporary art and jewelry pieces by BVLGARI. This collaboration aims at showing the interconnections between inner and outer worlds, and the way creation of physical art objects is encoded in our inner understanding of beauty and harmony.
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BVLGARI boutique in Kyiv managing director Nataliya Cherep emphasized the importance of being ahead of global fashion trends for such an iconic brand as BVLGARI. That is why conventional presentation of the new collection would be too simple experience for BVLGARI. The event enabled all the guests to emerge in the virtual reality atmosphere in order to understand that jewelry can go far beyond an ordinary accessory.



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