BLOOD & HONEY Ukrainian Brand

BLOOD & HONEY Ukrainian Brand

Art and interior designer Lidiya Pfayfer founded Blood & Honey brand in autumn of 2014. A mini-collection of fur scarves in unusual bright colors became her debut in the fashion world. By the way, this collection was sold out in a couple of days.

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Start of Blood & Honey conveniently coincided with the global trend: colored fur has become the new must have.
Eccentric and elegant spirit of the brand conveys provocative title - Blood & Honey - which is designed to surprise, decorate and shock. A sense of humor and self-irony, perhaps, are the most important words to describe the mood of the brand. Heroines of Blood & Honey choose intelligent provocation and do not take fashion too seriously.

There is a gallery of pictures from Instagram and Pinterest on mood board of Blood & Honey, modernist works of Gauguin, Mondrian and Rothko, provocative fashion-images which are the part of the "Alice in Wonderland" translated into the language of visual art.

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Color is the main method of expressing the brand. Lidiya Pfayfer has experimented with bright colors, preferring unusual combinations: yellow and red, purple and green, cherry and beige. "The color almost always dictates the style of products," - says the designer. Blood & Honey used application technique and punching; it allows you to create light weight fur. The brand ensures the highest quality of fur: the team chooses and buys it at auctions worldwide.

Fur-constructor will be the nearest plan of this brand. The client will be able to collect and create his/her own unique model of a coat, cardigan or a dress in the brand’s studio.
Collection of Blood & Honey is sold worldwide: in the United States, Spain, Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates and other countries.


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