Christmas Home Decorating Ideas of Interior Designer Oksana Lazarets

Christmas Home Decorating Ideas of Interior Designer Oksana Lazarets

Photo: shutterstock.comBring cheer to your house this holiday season with some interesting Christmas home decorating ideas. «Destinations» and interior designer Oksana Lazarets (Sulyk Architects, Lviv) bring some useful tips  how to make your house exceptionally festive, cozy and stylish this winter.

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However lavish or simple your Christmas decorating may be, it will help you bring the beauty of the holiday to a certain corner of your home. Lviv-based architect and interior designer Oksana Lazarets from Sulyk Architects, consider decorations to be rather important part of the interior design as a whole concept of the comfortable living. Though festive decorations, Christmas decorations in our case, are more of an additional part of the home interior design, they can create a very special atmosphere, festive mood and often help people to express themselves via the style of decorations, to make the statement, so to say, says Oksana.
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Many people create Christmas decoration from some common everyday items that can be found in most contemporary households. They make New Year trees stacking books or bricks or wood blocks, create cute Christmas decorations using glass jars, candles, dried branches, tinfoil etc. All these are very good nifty ideas for Christmas home decorations.


Fun fact, not everyone loves decorating for Christmas. People often consider this too be a time-consuming and pricy activity. In order to avoid too much fuss and money spending on Christmas decorations, Oksana suggests to try and create the special festive setting with some practical interior design items, which are often associated with winter holidays, however are not necessarily purely Christmas themed. These could include chunky knitted blankets, soft pillows in red and green (two colors usually associated with Christmas), candles etc.
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The interior designer also reminds that nothing brings as much holiday flavor to the household as illumination. Throw some fairy light here and there, says Oksana, put them over your entrance door, on the window sill or even on your pet and be sure to get your needed dose of Christmas mood everyday.


We also asked about decoration trends in 2016-2017. Judging by our clients’ requests and all the trendsetters in interior decoration world, says Oksana, 2016-2017 is a season of slick monochrome decoration items, massive objects over an array of tiny ones, animalistic motifs and a lot of natural materials detailing (such as grass or ivy garlands). The trendy colors of the 2016-2017 are green and white, the combination of these two can be seen in decorations of all the major shopping malls and hotels around the world, so naturally home decorators follow this trend.


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Trends and fashion statements are great, many people try to create some instagram-worthy settings and decorations, says Oksana Lazarents, the interior designer at Sulyk Architects Lviv, but she also would like to remind that the most important thing while decorating your home for Christmas is to create that special kind of cozy and warm atmosphere that would be nice to share with your beloved people and friends and not only with your social media followers.
Photos: Oksana Lazarets,,; all photos belong to their rightful owners.


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