СANactions Festival is the largest architectural happening in Ukraine, founded in 2008. 140 speakers and more than 40 000 visitors from the whole world have taken part in the festival during 10 years of its history. Nowadays, this Festival is the most important and the largest architecture-related event in Ukraine.
The main purpose of the 11th International Architecture Festival is to draw public attention to the ideas and approaches from world`s practice in the field of architecture and urbanism, to show intellectual potential, experience and values of Ukrainian professionals and to become a space for the further intensive cooperation.
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This year, the list of СANactions Festival participants includes London Festival of Architecture, Copenhagen Festival of Architecture, New Generations (Italy), Wonderland (Austria), Urban Forum Almaty and other. The speakers` list of the Festival`s main stage consists of such well-known names as Jan Gehl, Haris Piplas (ETH Zurich), Andeas Ruby (Swiss Architecture Museum), Matthias Schuler (Transsolar), Markus Appenzeller (MLA) and many other successful urbanists and architects.
The cross-cultural character of the event opens wide opportunities for exchanging experiences, establishing efficient institutional and partnership relations. СANactions Festival gives its participants a chance to find intersection points in their activities, to find new audience and to create common aims for future cooperation.
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The tenth National Architectural Open Competition for the projects of young Ukrainian architects will be held in the frame of 2018 СANactions Festival. This contest, not limited in number of participants, embraces all architectural institutions of Ukraine. The competition, founded in 2009 by Dessau Institute of Architecture (DIA/German), opens wide opportunities for young Ukrainian architects to study abroad. As to results of the last years` contests, 22 young specialists have got a chance to do a master`s degree in DIA on favorable terms.
CANactions, the organizer of the event, is an educational platform, contributing to the establishment of places and communities in Ukraine where people can live and work in high quality conditions. CANactions team aims to create a space for free exchange of ideas in the field of modern architecture.
In 2015, CANactions founded an experimental educational institution in Ukrainian capital called CANactions School for Urban Studies. The purpose of this institution is to study modern Ukrainian cities and to design concepts for their further development.
CANactions team believes that introduction of thematic competitions in Ukraine will lead to qualitative growth of architectural projects. That is why they have established contests such as DREAMactions, Urban Action program, National Architectural Open Competition for the projects of young Ukrainian architects and Street Geberit. These and other contests help public organizations, institutions and individuals to embody valuable ideas on development of Ukrainian cities.
Since СANactions International Architecture Festival is a big event that takes place only once a year, the platform also holds monthly events such as lectures, workshops, discussions and programs for kids. The main purpose of these events is to present interesting ideas and projects from Ukraine and abroad.
An interesting fact: all proceeds from 2018 СANactions Festival tickets sales will be used for publishing of the famous Jan Gehl`s book “Cities for People” in Ukrainian language.
Welcome to СANactions Festival – the largest architectural event of Ukraine.
When: April 20-21, 2018
Price and location: Kyiv, TBA
Website: http://eng.canactions.com/
Photo source: CANactions official Facebook page. All photos belong to their rightful owners.
CANactions 2018 Architecture Festival in Kyiv

In April 2018, Kyiv will host СANactions – the 11th International Architecture Festival, the event, that is going to unite world`s best architectural festivals on one platform for the first time in its history. The program of the festival will include lectures, discussions, workshops, master-classes, exhibitions and plenty of other interesting formats. The main topic of this year`s festival is symbolically called CONNECTIONS.