La Bodeguita del medio: the bar in the middle of the street

La Bodeguita del medio: the bar in the middle of the street

The Bodeguita bar in Kyiv is a kind of a place for a nice Friday night hangout, a place where you will enjoy Mohito and a nice chat with barman Jan who knows a lot of anecdotes.

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Angel Martinez opened his 'La Casa Martinez' little shop in Old Havana in 1942. A bit later the first printing house in the city of Felito Ayón appeared just on the opposite side of the street and a lot of things had changed since then.

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The small shop turned into a famous bar in the middle; it is 'la bodeguita del medio' in Spanish. The place was named like this in 1950. It became famous thanks to Hemingway who visited Cuba for 1 night and stayed there for 20 years.

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Since that time Bodeguita bars started to appear all over the world; and one of them is located in the central part of Kyiv. It is always crowded on weekends and Friday nights over here. People meet to have a drink, say “hi” to Jan and to other barmen, listen to live music and enjoy the atmosphere of Old Havana.

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The restaurant offers dishes of European, Ukrainian and Texas-Mexican cuisine. The bar list is really impressive: there are a lot of different Cuban and world famous cocktails, Georgian and Ukrainian wine, beer, vodka and alcohol free drinks.

If you search for the best hangout on weekend night you don’t have to go to Cuba; just drop in the bar in the middle of Yaroslaviv Val street.
Address: 21/20, Yaroslaviv Val Str., Kyiv


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