Kryva Lypa restaurant in Lviv

Kryva Lypa restaurant in Lviv

“Kryva Lypa” (Curve Linden) cooking studio is located on the street with the same name in Lviv. Its founder and brand chef moved from Kyiv to Lviv in 2009.

Restaurant’s décor is made of scrap materials! Moreover, decorator’s goal was to arrange things in a simple and fast way. As a result, the restaurant has three halls with elements of loft, pop art and retro style. The wood gives special charm to the interior: cabinets, shelves, tables and chairs are made of pine.

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While entering the restaurant you immediately see its symbol - the tree in the hall corner decorated with balls and bottles.
Irrespective of the fact that dishes in the menu have funny Ukrainian names the approach to cuisine is very serious over here. In “Kryva Lypa” you can try the most exquisite dishes of European, Chinese and American cuisine.

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Service is also of a high standard. The main principle of this cooking studio is to use only fresh products that are purchased daily. Nothing is stored at the kitchen. The restaurant also seeks to contribute to the culture of wine consumption.

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The wine list offers a wide selection of different tastes from Italy, France, Argentina, Spain, and Chile. You will not be disappointed about the strong drinks too: there are several kinds of tequila, rum, gin, liqueurs, as well as 17 kinds of alcoholic cocktails.

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Friendly atmosphere and good cuisine of “Kryva Lypa” restaurant definitely deserve your attention!

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Address: 8, Curve Linden lane, Lviv, mob. +380980948101


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