‘Gryadka’ (Garden Bed) Farmer Market in Kiev

‘Gryadka’ (Garden Bed) Farmer Market in Kiev

Photo: ‘Gryadka’ Farmer Market Official Facebook pageA large-scale mass ‘Gryadka’ (Garden Bed) Farmer Marker will be held on July 31, 2016 on the territory of renewed VDNKh in Kiev.

‘Gryadka’ Farmer Market will apply a unique trading format, where guests will find fresh, seasonal farm products and communicate directly with the producers.
Over the past few years, hundreds of farms, which specialize in the production of high-quality, organic and innovative, have appeared in Ukraine. Ukraine can already boast a huge selection of delicious cheeses, cured meats and ham, sun-dried tomatoes and even oysters, grown on the banks of the Kherson region. ‘Gryadka’ Market will bring together the best representatives of Ukrainian farm producers, who will be able to surprise even the most spoiled audience!

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Photo: ‘Gryadka’ Farmer Market Official Facebook page
The market will include more than fifty outlets, where farmers from different regions of Ukraine will sell their products: meat and meat products, dairy products, bread, vegetables, fruits, berries, craft beer and wine.

Read: ‘Kovdra’ (Blanket) Handmade Store in Kiev
Spend your Sunday afternoon with pleasure, use and amazing taste! Bon appetite!
When: July 31, 2016, 10am - 6pm
Where: VDNKh (1 Akademika Hlushkova Ave, Kiev)
Price: free


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