Amazing cakes by Ukrainian Pastry Chef Dinara Kasko

Amazing cakes by Ukrainian Pastry Chef Dinara Kasko

Photo: @dinarakaskoWhat happens when an architectural designer tries baking desserts? The Ukrainian pastry chef Dinara Kasko is the master of combining baking with geometric figures and architectural designs. Boasting bold colors, sharp lines and unbelievably smooth surfaces, each cake piece looks too stylish to be eaten.

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Dinara approaches her desserts as if they were buildings, and creates the most unique edible structures ever. After looking at these beautiful culinary creations, you wouldn’t be surprised that Ukrainian chef Dinara Kasko studied architecture in college. Kasko started as an architect-designer and a 3D visualizer, but later she got into baking, which is too good to believe.
Read: Bilka Bakery in Lviv


Photo: @dinarakasko
At first glance, you won’t believe that these gorgeous geometric creations before your eyes are edible, unless you cut them with a knife to reveal mouth-watering ingredients. The baker uses a variety of different ingredients that give her creations almost unreal appearances. Various ingredients used in her delicious creations are Meringue, mousse, mascarpone, ganache, and many more.
Read: Shoco Bakery in Lviv


Photo: @dinarakasko
Each cake baked by Dinara Kasko is a true work of art that plays with the juxtaposition of different flavors and textures. You can check out her Instagram account (@dinarakasko) that would surely make you drool over it.


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