The classical summer drink isn’t a new invention. While it was popularized in the 17th century, the earliest written mentions let us know that ancient Egyptians enjoyed lemonade as far as AD 1000. Luckily, the technology is quite easy and hasn’t changed much. In under an hour five portions of the refreshing beverage are ready to go.
Sugar — 1 glass (180 g);
Water — 5 glasses (1 l);
Lemons — 6 pieces
1. To make a syrup for a classic lemonade, mix water and sugar in the saucepan and put on moderate heat, stirring the mixture until sugar dissolves completely.
2. Squeeze juice from lemons. In the end you will have about one glass of freshly-squeezed juice.
3. Pour the slightly cooled syrup and lemon juice into a pitcher. Stir thoroughly. Then gradually add cold water by glasses.
4. Cool the lemonade in the refrigerator for about 30—40 minutes. You can add mint for extra freshness. If the lemonade is too sweet for your taste, simply add more lemon juice.
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There are various legends concerning Mojito’s origin: some believe it was a favorite among the 16th-century pirates, while others state that African slaves in Cuba invented the drink. Nevertheless, the true birthplace of Mojito is Havana, Cuba. One of the most popular beverages in the world, it has been also beloved by Ernest Hemingway. This recipe is an alcohol-free version for the hottest summer days.
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Soda water — 300 ml;
Lemons — 2 pieces;
Lime — 2 pieces;
Strawberry — 10 pieces;
Mint — 4 sprigs;
Sweet syrup up to your taste — 2 tablespoons
1. Cut lemons into large pieces, put in a pincher, crush. Pour soda water, and sift in 2—3 minutes.
2. Cut lime into large pieces, put in a high glass (about 450 ml). Add sliced strawberry and mint.
3. Crush the contents of the glass thoroughly, but don’t let it turn into a purée.
4. Fill half of the glass with finely crushed ice. Pour in the syrup, mix thoroughly.
5. Add soda with lemon juice. Decorate with mint and strawberries.
Mint Julep
A traditional drink of Kentucky Derby, Mint Julep was originally prescribed by doctors to treat stomach sickness in the 18th century. There are many ways of this cocktail preparation, but bourbon whiskey stays the classic. The alcohol-free version will be a good choice in the South American and Ukrainian summer heat.
Mineral water — 1/4 cup;
Sugar — 1/4 cup;
Lemonade — 1/2 cup;
Crushed ice — 2 cups;
Fresh mint leaves — 1 tablespoon;
Mint springs — optional for garnish
1. Chop fresh mint leaves.
2. Take a small saucepan, combine water, sugar, and mint leaves. Stir thoroughly and bring to the boiling point.
3. Let cook until sugar dissolves, then remove from heat. Let the mixture cool.
4. After about an hour, strain mint leaves.
5. Fill two cups or small glasses with crushed ice. Pour 1/2 of the lemonade in each and add sugar syrup. Decorate with mint sprigs.
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Strawberry & Banana Smoothie
The idea to combine juicy fruits and berries into a cocktail became popular in the mid-1930s USA when electric blenders made it easier to prepare the drink. Worldwide recognition came to smoothies in the 90s; and the soft beverage stays a summer classic to this day.
Strawberry — 100 g;
Banana — 1 piece;
Milk or yogurt — 200 ml;
Honey or sugar — 1 tablespoon;
Ice — a couple cubes
1. Cut strawberries, put in a blender. Add milk (you can use soy or almond milk) and ice.
2. Turn on blender and crush ingredients until the mixture is smooth.
3. Add sugar or honey, turn on blender once more.
4. If the drink is too sweet or watery, add a couple more berries and crush the mix once again.
Finally, frappe is a solution for a hot summer morning instead of a usual steaming cup of coffee. Apart from the other titles on the list, frappe as an independent drink is quite new, which means there’s no “classical” recipe. Originally originating in Greece, the cold beverage traveled around the world: Italians created a spin called Cappuccino Freddo, while international coffee chain Starbucks patented Frappuccino. The drink is easily customized with various syrups.
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Espresso — 1 cup;
Sugar — 15 g;
Milk — 1/2 cup;
Ice — a couple cubes;
Whipped cream and syrup — optional;
1. Make a standard espresso.
2. Pour coffee, sugar, and syrup into a blender. Blend until smooth.
3. Pour into a tall glass.
4. Decorate with whipped cream or ice cream if you wish.
Enjoy your drinks!
Sources: oede.by, allrecipes.com, tv.ua.
Photo sources: shutterstock.com, unsplash.com. All images belong to their rightful authors.
5 Alcohol-Free Refreshing Drinks Recipes

When the summer heat easily reaches 35 degrees Celsius, it’s tempting to switch the usual morning coffee and evening tea for something more refreshing. Luckily, there are plenty of easy-made beverages that do not require bartender skills and a load of experience. Check out the top-5 alcohol-free drinks for summer 2018.