Water Sunday picnic in Odessa

Water Sunday picnic in Odessa

At the beginning of July Water Sunday picnic takes place in the framework of the Odessa navy festival. Cultural program full of action and fun awaits the guests and those who arrive to take part in the festival.

The goal of Water Sunday is to make a holiday atmosphere for sailors and their families as a «thank you» to each other for love and belief in family values. It is also an opportunity to appreciate the help of partner companies.
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Activities of the Navy fest:
Odessa navy fest prepares a bright and colorful entertaining program for those who live in Odessa as well as for guests. As a part of this event Water Sunday picnic will be hosted on the weekend. Anyone visiting Odessa will have the possibility to attend the fest and to become a part of the following events:
-Theater performances
-Interactive actions and competitions with professional entertainers
-Various exhibitions and classes
-Meetings with bards who sing their beloved city and sea songs
-A navy orchestra performance
-Water trips, movies, sail schools presentations and educational lectures on water topics
-Fashion presentations of new sail collections produced by famous designers
-Competition for the best navy look.
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As a part of the fest unique water program is offered. It includes yacht parade, aqua-bike, surfing, fishing and other beach sport competitions.
The guests will get a chance to try samples of coast cuisine from places all around the world in mini restaurants located on the food-courts and in cooking zones as a part of a gastronomic fair.
Address: Pobedy Park (Victory Park), Odessa
When: 9, 10 of July, 2016 Start at 10:00 a.m.


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