It should be mentioned that Ukrainian Defender Day is celebrated in the same day with the important religious holiday, Intercession of the Holy Virgin (Pokrova Presvyatoyi Bogomateri in Ukrainian language). This holiday came to Kyivan Rus from Byzantine Empire after the establishment of Christianity. It is one of the favorite traditional holidays for Ukrainians. This religious event was also very appreciated by Ukrainian Cossacks: on the day of Intercession of the Holy Virgin on October 14, they held ceremony of choosing their leaders.
In 1999, the President of Ukraine declared October 14 a holiday called Ukrainian Cossack Army Day. Also, October 14 is traditionally considered as Ukrainian Insurgent Army Day, a holiday dedicated to military and political formation of Ukrainian liberation movement. According to the order of Ukrainian President dated March 5, 2015, this day is deemed an official state holiday.
So what are the main upcoming events on Ukrainian Defender Day 2017?
Ukrainian capital is going to celebrate Ukrainian Defender Day 2017 on a noble scale. On October 13, the official ceremony of laying flowers to the Unknown Soldier`s grave will take place in the Park of Eternal Glory. The main city festivities dedicated to Ukrainian Defender Day will be held on October 14 on Khreschatyk street (on the area between Prorizna and Bohdana Khmelnytskogo streets). Along with this, Kiyv will present plenty of other events, some of which are listed below.
Read: Story about Ukrainian Cossack and Coffee in Europe
“Kobzar-Lyrnik Pokrova” festival
This annual festival is dedicated to antheming valour of defenders of Ukrainian freedom from different historical periods. In old times, musicians played Ukrainian ethnic musical instruments such as kobza, bandura and lyre, singing songs about heroic deeds of Ukrainian warriors. Kyiv dwellers and guests are welcome to listen to the modern musicians playing on Ukrainian traditional musical instruments. The festival events will take place on October 14 at Mykhailivska square from 15:00 till 18:00 and on October 14 and 16 in Ivana Gonchara Museum (19, Lavrska street) from 19:00 till 22:00.
“Cossack Pokrova” exhibition opening
Exhibition halls of “Khlebnya” gallery in Saint Sofia Cathedral will present rare collection of old Cossack weapons. The visitors will see more than 40 examples of cold steel arms: swords, yataghans, knives, daggers, spear-heads and even a gun from XVI century.
When: October 14, 16:00
Where: 24, Volodymyrska street, Saint Sofia Cathedral
“Courageous and Unconquerable” culture and art festival
Spivoche Pole (“The Singing Field”) park in Kyiv will host gala concert featuring wind orchestra, сhoir of Ukrainian Military Forces, war veterans and participants of anti-terrorist operation (ATO), folk bands and other. The guests will have an opportunity to see thematic art exhibition and to take part in master classes and patriotic quests.
When: October 14, 14:00-20:00
Where: 25, Lavrska street, Spivoche Pole
Read: Khortytsia: the Land of Cossacks
"Road Stone" historical festival
“Road Stone” historical festival, dedicated to Ukrainian Defender Day 2017, invites everyone interested to watch medieval fights contest, tournaments and master classes on archery, historical fencing, axes and knives throwing.
When: October 14, 12:00-17:00
Where: 8, Klovsky Descent, State Museum of Toy
Visiting presentation of unique pictures of Ukrainian warriors created in Japanese manga technique, dedicated to Ukrainian Defender Day and Year of Japan in Ukraine, is another interesting option for spending the holiday.
When: 15:00-17:00
Where: 8/16, Bohdana Khmelnytskogo avenue, Art Hub
Kontrantova square will host thematic concert and master classes from 12:00 till 17:00.
The celebration of Ukrainian Defender Day 2017 in Lviv is going to be widespread and bright. This day in Lviv will start from communal prayer and laying flowers to the memorial of the Unknown Ukrainian Insurgent Army warrior on Marsove Field (Mechnykova street) at 9:00. In the same time, Lviv dwellers will light candles on the graves of Ukrainian defenders on Lychakiv cemetery.
At 11:00, public prayer to Holy Virgin about safety of Ukraine and its defenders will be held in Saints Peter and Paul Garrison Church (11, Teatralna street).
At 13:30, the official unveiling ceremony of memorial “To defenders, who gave their lives for Ukraine” will take place at the address 1, Baturynska street near Church of the Presentation.
At 15:00, “Songs of Victory” art project featuring modern musicians and singers will be presented on Yavorivsky range.
From 17:00 till 18:30, Solomiya Krushelnytska Lviv State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet (28, Svobody avenue) will host festive concert dedicated to the state holiday.
Lviv State Philharmonic (7, Chaikovskogo street) will present special program called “Requiem for a Warrior”.
During the whole day of October 14, Lviv dwellers and guests are welcome to exhibition, presenting Ukrainian Insurgent Army weapons. The exposition will take place near Lviv City Administration (18, Vynnychenka street).
On October 14 at 10:00, laying of flowers will take place near Taras Shevchenko monument (2, Sabansky lane) in Odesa.
From 11:30 till 12:30, a communal prayer for fallen defenders of Ukraine will be held near memorial to fallen ATO warriors of Odesa oblast (4, Shevchenko avenue).
At 17:00, Odesa State Philharmonic (15, Bunina street) invites everyone to charity concert of Ukrainian classical music held in celebration of Ukrainian Defender Day 2017
The celebration program of Ukrainian Defender Day 2017 in Odesa also includes various concerts, charity events and marathons during the whole day of the state holiday.
Take part in impressive celebration of Ukrainian Defender Day 2017.
Photo source:, Facebook pages of events mentioned above. All photos belong to their rightful owners.
Ukrainian Defender Day 2017

On October 14, Ukrainians celebrate Defender Day in order to honor heroism and courage of brave warriors, who protect independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and to consolidate the spirit of patriotism in society. In 2017, Ukrainian Defender Day falls on Saturday, so the official holiday will be shifted to Monday, October 16. In such a way, Ukrainians are going to have three days off in a row. Let`s check out how Ukrainian cities will celebrate Ukrainian Defender Day 2017.