The KLC Yacht Charity Regatta in Kyiv

The KLC Yacht Charity Regatta in Kyiv

On the 29th of July the Kyiv Lions Club has organized a charity yacht regatta. It will be held at the prestigious Riviera Riverside Yacht Club close to the Metro Bridge on the left bank from 2.00 pm.

It's an event for experienced sailors and for those that have never sailed before but always wanted to try. It will be a short familiarization session and three fun races followed by a Caribbean style evening dinner by the river with cocktails, great food, a fine whisky bar, a fun raffle and lots of reggae and Limbo dancing.
The event
A three race regatta
Yacht racing for up to 45 people in up to 9 boats each with a professional skipper.It does not matter if you have never sailed before, now is your chance to try. All you need is a pair of white soled sports shoes.There will be a briefing by Olympic silver medalist Rodion Luka followed by an hour on the water learning the ropes and then a series of three short fun races. If you would like to sail please be there by 2.00pm and remember the worst that can happen is that you might get wet.
A full children’s programme
A children’s programme for up to 20 children between the ages of 6 to 12 years of age where they will be taken off your hands by professionals for up to four hours where they will learn about sailing and messing about in boats, tile and glass painting and tying knots. Bring a change of clothes as they may come back a little wet. A special children’s menu will be available at dinner.
An afternoon’s relaxation by the river
For those of you that prefer a more relaxed afternoon the Riverside terrace and bar will be open exclusively to KLC members and guests from 12.00 noon so you can sit by the river sipping cocktails in the lead up to dinner.
A Caribbean evening
Dinner will be preceded by cocktails. A Caribbean style forchette dinner with the main course cooked over charcoal will be served accompanied by plenty of wine and beer. During dessert there will be a prize giving ceremony and a fun raffle with a range of wonderful and really silly prizes. Dinner will be followed by Caribbean dancing and a Limbo dance competition
Dress code
Distinctly Caribbean and nautical
Our sponsors have been more than generous so it should be an evening to remember and all the proceeds will go to KLC charity projects.
I hope that if you are in town on the 29th that you will make a point of joining us for the sailing or just for the dinner.
Please contact Executive Director Elena Nunn on or +38050 487 2320
Tickets are by a donation to Kyiv Lions Club of $120.00 for those that would like to sail, $80.00 for those that would like to join us for dinner and $40.00 if you would like your children to take part in the Kids programme.
What could be better than a day on the water followed by evening dinner by the river watching the sun set over the golden domes of Kyiv.


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