Thanksgiving Awards 2017 by ACC in Ukraine

Thanksgiving Awards 2017 by ACC in Ukraine

On November 18, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine presented the 2017 Thanksgiving Choice of the Business Community Award to the Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine Doctor Ulana Suprun. The award was for the development of the healthcare system in Ukraine. Ulana Suprun and her team made big steps in the right direction, demonstrating to Ukrainian society to be serious on reforms. The award was presented during the Thanksgiving Dinner at the Hilton Hotel Kyiv.

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The American Chamber of Commerce every year recognizes projects and individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of a favorable business and social environment in Ukraine or promoted Ukraine internationally.
In 2017, the Chamber received over 20 nominations. Representatives of the Chamber Member Companies named people, organizations or projects that have made the most valuable contribution to the development of business and social climate in Ukraine, and later made their choice through voting.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine also presented the Awards to Valeria Gontareva and National Bank of Ukraine for exceptional efforts in cleaning up and developing Ukraine’s banking system; Jaroslava Johnson, Western NIS Enterprise Fund for shaping the future of Ukraine – for The Ukrainian Leadership Academy; and Invictus Games Team Ukraine for an incredible debut of the Ukrainian team at the Invictus Games in Toronto.
At the highlight of the ceremony, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine Andy Hunder presented the new Presidential Award of recognition and respect to the person, who has been developing U.S.-Ukraine business relations for many years. For 10 years of outstanding leadership and dedicated service promoting U.S. – Ukrainian business relations Andy Hunder presented the award to the President of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council Morgan Williams.


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