French Spring 2016 in Kiev

French Spring 2016 in Kiev

French Spring is annual event celebrated not only in Kiev, but in other big cities of Ukraine. The festival of French culture, which offers a varied program in the fields of fine arts, cinema, literature and music, will start on April 2, 2016.

This year’s French Spring will start on April 2, 2016 evening at the European Square, where adults and children will see the light projection of the Anooki Eskimos setting off in search of spring, bypassing all seasons. French artists from ‘The Anooki’ company will take the audience to the magic world of funny characters and make them relive their fabulous adventures, using the newest advanced technologies of light projection.

The final act of the French Spring opening in Kiev will feature the performance of creative and crazy Dakh Daughters cabaret band.

Typically, French Spring in Ukraine includes an extensive cultural program throughout the country. The Embassy of France in Ukraine, the French Institute in Ukraine and ‘Alliance Française’ network organize the festival in order to strengthen the Franco-Ukrainian relations and the expansion and inter-ethnic cooperation.

The detailed program of the main events can be found here: 
Don’t miss a chance to feel charming French atmosphere and blossoming mood during French Spring in Kiev!


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