"The European winter” festival starts on December 12, 2015 on Poshtova Square (Postal Square) of Podil area.
Every few days the New Year will be celebrated over here according to traditions of different countries.
“Kozak System” band will open the festival at 7 p.m. on December 12 and on December 13 - 17 there will be celebration of German New Year.
The UK days will be here on December 18 - 22. You might know that the tradition to put Christmas gifts in stockings comes from England and now it is spread all over the world.
French New Year will be celebrated on December 23 – 26. And you will have a chance to learn more about the Spanish New Year traditions on December 27 – 30. If you want to get experience of Italian New Year celebration you are welcome to Poshtova Sq. from December 31 to January 5.
Celebration of Orthodox Christmas will take place on January 6 - 10. Concerts, performances, dances, songs, carols, nativity scene and Christmas market with goodies are included in the program of festival.
This is the best time for winter fun with family and friends.
European winter in Kyiv

This year Kyiv unites different traditions of Christmas and New Year celebration from all over Europe.