Alliance for Youth: 3 Years in Ukraine

Alliance for Youth: 3 Years in Ukraine

Photo: depositphotos.comFinding a good job for young people in Ukraine these days turns into quite challenging experience. Young applicants face numerous social and economic difficulties. In order to overcome these difficulties, caused by the European crisis of unemployment, Nestlé launched “Nestlé needs young people” initiative.

The project was launched across Europe. There were created over 12 thousand projects aiming at helping young people find their dream job. The initiative offered 10 700 jobs and over 5800 professional training programs. In addition, in 2014 it held more than 2,800 events which helped young professionals in their future career flourish.

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In Ukraine, during the "Alliance for Youth” initiative, Nestlé employed 1,890 young people under the age of 30 and provided the opportunity to acquire skills to 633 trainees and interns in the main office and on the company's enterprises. Every year students and graduates have the opportunity to gain work experience in companies and offices of the company during the summer holidays or on the job training. In addition, graduates of these programs are offered a summer internships that will increase the level of qualification and prepare future employees to work independently.

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In November 2016 Nestlé in Ukraine held "Alliance for Youth" briefing, which discussed the results of the project on youth employment across Europe. The briefing was also attended by Deputy Minister of Ukraine of Youth and Sports Oleksandr Yarema, Director of Nestlé Ukraine and Moldova Ansgar Bornemann, CEO of "Development of Corporate Social Responsibility" Center Marina Saprykin, partners and suppliers of Nestlé in Ukraine - OJSC "Ukrplastic" specialized trade marketing agency "Impacto", LLC "Personnel consulting", LLC "Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine" and others.


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