Azimuth Top Yachts Division Group on Dnipro River

Azimuth Top Yachts Division Group on Dnipro River

Dnipro River offers good opportunities for establishing luxury yacht clubs in Kyiv area. Picturesque views of the river banks and yacht clubs’ modern infrastructure make this type of rest so attractive to wealthy guests and residents of the city.

Azimuth Top Yachts Division Group is located in a cozy and spacious area of the Dnipro River near Podil part of Kyiv city, protected from the wind and waves. It has modern European level parking for vessels.

The Club is located in the waters of Shipyard. The area allows you to accommodate small-sized to large river fleet boats for parking and service works. The club ensures security of the boats.

Azimuth parking provides the following services:
fresh water supply,
shore electricity supply 220 / 380V,
hangar storage in winter,
raising the personal watercrafts and boats on the slip,
petrol station for water transport,
storage of property for yachts,
professional selection of the boat crew,
Wi –Fi,
dry cleaning and hauling cabin,
washing of the yacht’s hull and deck.

The professional staff of Azimuth Top Yachts Division Group provides European quality services. It is possible to rent, buy, build a yacht, rent and buy a seabob, purchase luxury accessorizes, register and effect a policy of insurance for a vehicle.

Please call +38 (066) 380 91 55 for parking; please contact +38 (067) 575 11 49 for other issues
8, Naberezno-Lugovaya street, Kyiv.


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