Ukrainian Fests Inherited From the World

Ukrainian Fests Inherited From the World

English proverb says: “Fools make feasts and wise men eat them”. Tell it to any Ukrainian and we will completely disagree. Let us get a glimpse into a unique cultural identity of Ukrainian holidays and traditions somehow borrowed from all over the world. It is a well-known fact that people in Ukraine are very hospitable and kind and the most major thing is that we always find a reason to celebrate anything and everywhere. Regarding the amount of holidays during the year it is not surprising some of them have been borrowed from other countries and became the integral part of every Ukrainian citizen. Ask any pupil what is the holiday after New Year’s Eve and the answer will definitely be St Valentine’s Day. Elder generation have been mean to this holiday treating it in a way of business making on selling valentine-cards and other things, while nowadays there is rather high interest to this holiday that is being reflected in school events timed to its celebration history and traditions. Nowadays this fest seems like to be originally Ukrainian.Lifting the veil of St Patrick Day's celebration we may see an interesting story. Associatively this holiday evokes thoughts about Ireland, beer and shamrock still this holiday is much more dimensional. This very day Christians visit worships to stay with their spiritual thoughts as well as to look deeper into their souls. It is curios that this day all Fast Day restrictions on food and alcohol consumption are completely lifted. Talking about the Orthodox Church complete unsupported – it is the holiday of Indian Holly or as it is also called - a holiday of colors. Church officers emphatically do not accept any celebration connected with pagan culture. Still annually in big cities of the country you may see bright paintings on the people faces, hear loud music without thinking about the ethnicity of such events. In the same way, being not interested in the origin of holidays young generation actively support the Day of hugs and kisses borrowed from USA. Truly, it is essential and necessary to feel yourself caressed and loved or even for the shiest people it is a great opportunity to express their hidden feelings of sympathy. It is also captivating that such holiday is esteemed by HR specialists with an aim of team-building. While people are involved in common activities they become more friendly and reliable, they start to work and think together like one person that is really essential for big companies or corporations.Talking about European countries like Germany, Austria and Italy which have shared with Ukraine the holiday that is celebrated on November 11th, the feast day of Bishop Saint Martin. He was a father to the poor and needy people. Saint Martin though is more spread and celebrated in the western part of Ukraine, in Mukachevo region. Traditionally it includes solemn procession on the streets, handing kids' torches with candles inside and delicious baked goose for dinner. Probably the most astonishing holiday of ever is a Ground-hog Day holiday that also firmed its positions in Ukraine. It seems like everyone has watched the cognominal movie therefore this holiday has assimilated into Ukrainian traditions. Every year Ukrainians are escaping the Forecast observe groundhog behavior to predict the weather, especially in the rural place where planting schedule is planned according to this animal’s habits.If you want and feel ready to experience the most exceptional emotions -welcome to the colorful and hospitable Ukraine with its mix of fests and holidays.


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