Vladyslav Yerko: world famous illustrator from Ukraine

Vladyslav Yerko: world famous illustrator from Ukraine

Photo: artslooker.comVladyslav Yerko’s works are truly unusual and exceptionally beautiful. They create a genuine fairy-tale atmosphere and transfer the reader into the magical world away from everyday dull life.


Photo: artslooker.com
Vladyslav Yerko’s works strike with their exceptional detailing, this is a signature style of the world famous illustrator from Ukraine. The artist pays close attention to creating every details, which has its own meaning and isn’t accidental. One can observe Yerko’s illustrations for hours still discovering some new details. Critics often say that one illustration of Yerko can tell more than a book’s hundred pages he draw that illustration for.

Photo: artslooker.com
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The true popularity came to Yerko when he started creating illustrations for «A-ba-ba-ga-la-ma-ga» Publishing. Being most popular children’s book supplier on Ukrainian market, «A-ba-ba-ga-la-ma-ga» books with Yerko’s illustrations have become a total hit in mid-2000 and remain on top of their popularity till today.

Photo: artslooker.com
«Snow Queen» pre-Christmas edition published in the UK illustrated by Vladyslav Yerko hit top 3 bestselling books for children in the UK for 2 consecutive years. World famous writer Paolo Coelho named Yerko’s illustrations to his books simply the best he had ever seen.

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Photo: artslooker.com
Another interesting fact about Vladyslav Yerko is that he is the artist behind google doodle dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine in 2014. Millions of Ukrainians saw Yerko’s take on «google», as it was being transformed into lush fruit garden with Ukrainian flag elements.

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Photo: artslooker.com
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World famous illustrator from Ukraine, Vladyslav Yerko creates an alternative magical world in his works. His illustrations will be interesting to observe not only for children but for adults as well, as each of Yerko’s work is a complex and stunning fairytale of its own.


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