The Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv

The Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv

Photo: The Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv Facebook PageThe Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv is a major contemporary-art event of the Ukrainian art scene. It is a meeting platform for artists of different countries, regions, cultures and generations.

The Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv as an independent art project was established back in 2008 and became one of very few regular art events aimed at Ukrainian contemporary art popularization and development. This event serves as important launching pad for young and aspiring Ukrainian artists. The Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv is also considered to be a prestigious platform for showcasing artwork among well-known local and foreign artists. Since 2008, when The Week of Contemporary Art has just started, over 400 artists presented their unique art creations in Lviv. The participants’ geography of this event is truly impressive: Poland, the USA, Canada, Israel, UK, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, Russia, Belorussia, Lithuania and, of course, Ukraine.

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Photo: The Week Of Contemporary Art Facebook Page
Due to Ukrainian political situation in recent years, The Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv in 2014 and 2015 was run in its shorter version. However, in 2016 the organizer committee plans to return to a full format of the event and bring back one of the most important and spectacular art happenings in Ukraine.
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Photo: The Week Of Contemporary Art Facebook Page
This year’s program will include: signature artists and curatorial projects, performances, installations, art objects’ showcasing, lectures, discussions and workshops. The Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv in 2016 will gather over 30 artists from various regions of Ukraine, Poland, Belorussia, Czech Republic, Germany, UK and Israel.

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Photo: The Week Of Contemporary Art Facebook Page
The centerpiece of the Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv exposition will be the curatorial project - BODY PARTS («Chastyny Tila»). This project is a part of THE UKRAINIAN CROSS-SECTION, Ukrainian contemporary art triennial. The Ukrainian Cross-Section Triennial is considered to be a "project-problem" launched in 2010. The project was initiated by the Dzyga Art Association in cooperation with the Institute for Contemporary Art and TransKultura Foundation and presented for the first time in Wroclaw. Wroclaw is a European capital of Culture for 2016. The project will feature a variety of visual art forms, including painting, plastic arts, graphics, installation, art objects, new media art and a mighty segment of performance art.

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Photo: The Week Of Contemporary Art Facebook Page
BODY PARTS («Chastyny Tila») is a complex combination of artwork by 10 Ukrainian artists: Yurko Vovkogon, Dima Ehrlich, Kostyantyn Zorkin, Vlodko Kaufman, Natalia Lisova, Sergiy Petliuk, Sergiy Radkevich, Volodymyr Stetskovich, Gennady Chernega, Vladimir Topiy.
THE UKRAINIAN CROSS-SECTION in Lviv will also present the paintings project VOROG («The Enemy») by MICRO CUTS which turned out to be a total hit during the presentation in Wroclaw.

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Photo: The Week Of Contemporary Art Facebook Page
Lviv audience will have a chance to view the premier of media-installation «In Art Dreams Come True» by extraordinary and shocking Polish artists Katarzhyna Kozyra. The media-installation consists of a series of performances, quasi-theatrical productions, and films.
The performance section of The Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv, one of the most spectacular and anticipated part of the festival, will be held from September 6th until September 11th and will feature numerous pieces of well-known and young artist from different countries.
The workshop section will be conducted by experienced performer from the UK - Denise Blacker and Polish artist Waldemar Tatarczuk. The participation in all workshops is free of charge, however a prior registration is recommended. All workshops aim at creating the new generation of Ukrainian performing artists.

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The event is hosted by «Dzyga» art gallery (35, Virmenska street, Lviv). Main venues of the event will include: Lviv Art Palace (17, Kopernika street, Lviv), «Gostynniy Dvir» art space (20A, Vynnychenka street) and open spaces throughout Lviv city. Curator of The Week of Contemporary Art in Lviv is an iconic Lviv artist Vlodko Kaufman, art- director of the project - Lida Savchenko-Duda. The Week of Contemporary Art will feature a variety of visual art forms, including painting, plastic arts, graphics, installation, art objects, new media art and a mighty segment of performance art.
Read: Mykhailo Demtsiu Exhibition in Lviv
When: September 1st - September 11th
Where: various location in Lviv


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