The Museum of Miniatures in Kiev

The Museum of Miniatures in Kiev

Kiev is not only famous for its scenic landscapes, which inspired a lot of poets and artists to depict its natural beauty in their immortal works. In addition to its unfading natural beauty and generosity of Ukrainian people, this capital city is also famous for its numerous places of interest. The Museum of Miniatures in Kiev is one of the city’s attractions.

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Kyiv Pechersk Lavra Monastery with its numerous museums and their interesting history and amazing pieces of art attracts attention of many tourists. However, a real treasure located on the territory of this monastery complex is the Museum of Miniatures. A small, but cozy museum has harbored a unique collection of tiny museum pieces under its roof. All of these pieces of art seem to live in their own worlds, reflecting different epochs and different aspects of life. Each miniature is like a fairy tale fascinating the visitors by the mystery of its creation.

When you look through the lenses of the telescopes, you will be able to see the Mykola Syadristy's masterpieces, such as miniature portraits of famous personalities (including Mykola Syadristy's self-portrait, and his mother’s portrait, the portraits of the Russian composer V.V. Andreev, the Italian painter and poet Michelangelo Buonarroti, the Ukrainian poet and writer Ivan Franko, the world-famous Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, Ukrainian opera singer Solomiia Krushelnytska, the 16th American president Abraham Lincoln, the pope John Paul II, the world-famous ballet dancer Maya Plisetskaya, Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s little prince, Dutch painter Rembrandt, the great Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko and his Kobzar book).
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In addition to the portraits of the celebrities, you will be able to admire flowers, (including a rose inserted in the hair) and the representatives of fauna (a flea shod with golden shoes, a caravan of golden camels in the needle’s eye, golden swallows, a golden fox, the hunting falcon, a golden mosquito with a little girl is sitting on its nose and holding the umbrella).There isa variety of other exhibits in this museum, such as golden frigates, the map of Australia, the golden padlock, the smallest electromotor, the golden windmill, the tiniest violin in the world, and the chessboard on a pinhead.
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The author of these outstanding works is the one and only artist MykolaSiadristy (born in 1937 in Kharkov, Ukraine), who created an inimitable style of art called miniatures. He has worked in this style for about 40 years. In addition to creating his miniatures, Siadristy was an agronomist, engineer, and the champion of Ukraine in diving, and even a poet. The power of his knowledge and his outstanding talents helped him to create his world-famous miniatures. What is more, all of these tiny pieces of art are made by hand. These miniatures can only be seen through a microscope. Thousands of Ukrainians and people from other countries have already visited this unique Museum of Miniatures where they saw these pieces of art of the world-famous Ukrainian artist.
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The Museum of Miniatures in Kiev is worth visiting when you come to the city. It is possible to plunge into the atmosphere of a fairytale and to experience the powerful magic of miniatures in this special place.
Address: Bld. 5, 9, Lavrska Street, Kiev
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Photos:, All images belong to their rightful owners.


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