Mykola Kononenko Exhibition in Kiev

Mykola Kononenko Exhibition in Kiev

The new Mykola Kononenko exhibition in Kiev, called ‘La Viva Vita’, opens on March 30, 2016 at Taras Shevchenko National Museum.

How can one describe the harmony of life: with color, sound, emotion? It turns out that combining these three ingredients, mixing them with sincerity, love, joy, inner artistic inspiration and divine spark can open the genuine Life with a capital letter. This principle is applied in each Mykola Kononenko’s painting. From this notion also comes the name of the exhibition – ‘La Viva Vita’, which means "Long Live Life!’.
The famous Ukrainian artist always experimented with genres and subjects: from chamber works to monumental canvases. However, each of his works is a macrocosm with its own structure and palpitation. Artist’s works are displayed in numerous galleries as well as make descent part of private collections.

Photo: Taras Shevchenko National Museum
The scenes of artist’s works are complex in their simplicity with each line and stroke living and breathing. These are not just static depictions of flowers, fruit, desert, rivers, sky - everything moves and warmly invites you to dissolve into its spaces, sip cool water and inhale the aroma of blossoming lilac.

Read: Exhibition of Alex Lerman paintings

Photo: Taras Shevchenko National Museum
Mykola Kononenko believes that the main task of the artist is to harmonize the past and the future in the present: ‘The light will come and the darkness will disappear’. Ukrainian landscapes, hot sun, flowers and endless blue sky are his greatest sources of inspiration.
Do not miss the chance to see the new Mykola Kononenko exhibition in Kiev and feel life and light of his genius paintings.



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