Kyiv Museums Open Days in October

Kyiv Museums Open Days in October

The best things in life are, indeed, free. Access to art, education and chance for self-reflection are among them - and luckily, Kyiv’s museums are happy to open their doors for visitors in October to give you the opportunity to enjoy best expositions and spend some quality-time among works of art.

10th of October
Ivan Kavaleridze Workshop-museum. It is one of the most renown museums on Andriyivskyy Descent. Ivan Kavaleridze was a sculptor, director, and playwright, one of the pioneers of Ukrainian cinematography and was rightfully called «Ukrainian Michelangelo». Drop by to witness his works. Address: 21, Andriyivskyy Descent
15th, 22nd and 29th of October
teatr mus cinema
Ukrainian State Museum of Theater, Music and Cinema. The two permanent exhibitions show visitors history and development of theatre in Ukraine since the dawn of centuries and various national instruments that used (and still do!) captivate ears of those lucky to listen.
Address: building 24 and 26, 9, Lavrs’ka street
For students and school kids free admission is available at the museum of Ukrainian Book and Book-printing, located at 9, Lavrs’ka street. Ivan Honchar Museum, showcasing the culture of Ukraine and preserving Ukrainian folk art, also welcomes students and school kids at 19, Lavrs’ka street.
19th of October
Museum of prominent figures of Ukrainian culture: Lesya Ukrainka, Mykola Lysenko, Panas Saksahanskyy, Mykhailo Starytskyy. Here you can find out about life and legacy of true titans of Ukrainian art. Lesya Ukrainka is a renown writer, Mykola Lysenko - an exceptional composer, Panas Saksahanskyy is a pioneer of directing and acting, and Mykhailo Starytskyy is one of the classics of Ukrainian theatre. Three separate exhibitions with personal artifacts are available to give a chance to peek at the lives of these prominent people.
Address: 97, Saksahanskoho street
Read: TOP 5 Unique Museums in Kyiv
25th of October
lit museum
National Literature Museum of Ukraine. Located in a pastel-blue 19th century building, this place holds an exhibition of literary history of Ukraine. You can find books from the 17th century, old photographs of famous writers, as well as the first book printed in Cyrillic - «Apostol» by Ivan Fedorov.
Address: 11, Bohdana Khmelnytskoho street
26th of October
Taras Shevchenko National Museum opens its doors for those who want to discover the Ukrainian genius' talents including but not limited to fine art and literature. The fullest exhibition presents his most famous paintings and personal belongings.
Address: 12, Shevchenko lane
Taras Shevchenko Literary and Memorial House. The rare building in the early 19th century, it reproduces the atmosphere of 1846-47th, when Shevchenko lived in Kyiv till his arrest in the case of Kyril and Mefodiy Association.
Adress: 8a, Shevchenko lane
Mykhailo Hrushevskyy Historical and Memorial museum. Located in a memorial house of the Hrushevsky family in Kyiv functions the museum commemorating life of Ukrainian historian and politician Mikhail Hrushevsky. The memorial and historical parts of the exposition are represented at two floors.
Address: 9, Pan’kivska street
27th of October
Kosoy Kaponir (Oblique caponier) is only a part of a huge Kyiv fortress, which is the largest in Europe and second largest in the world earthen fortress. Today the territory of Kosoy Kaponir includes two museums, dedicated to history of this fortification. The first museum is located underground. The room is kept in the same state as it was in prison times. The museum exposition consists of old utensils, weapons, uniform, personal possessions of imprisoners. The second museum presents military clothing of different periods and historical documents, related to the history of Kyiv and Kosoy Kaponir.
Address: 24а, Hospitalna street
Ukrainian Diaspora Museum introduces visitors to life and creative works of famous Ukrainians who were born and studied mostly in Kyiv but had to immigrate for different reasons. Exhibition includes works of art, sculptures and personal belongings.
Address: 40B, Moskovska street
29th of October
national art museum
The National Art Museum of Ukraine located in a building of late 19th century constructed by famous architect Vladislav Gorodetsky, has over 20 thousand works of art. If you are a fan of modern art schools like constructivism and cubo-futurism, you should definitely pay a visit, as the most renown Russian and Ukrainian representatives’ works are available at the museum.
Address: 6, Hrushevskoho street
Read: Art Museums in Kyiv
Pavlo Tychyna Literary and Memorial Museum-apartment - a museum devoted to the life and work of the Ukrainian poet Pavlo Tychyna. The apartment retains life-style interiors, a library of the poet, his drawings, and musical instruments.
Address: 5, Tereshchenkivs'ka street 
Maksym Rylsky Literary and Memorial Museum is dedicated to the Ukrainian poet, translator and public figure, Maksym Tadeevych Rylsky. Located in a small house on the picturesque slopes of Golosiiv district, this is where the poet spent 13 years of his life from 1951 to 1964. A two-storey building with a loft is built based on the project of the poet. 
Address: 7, Maksyma Rylskoho street
Maria Zan’kovetska Literary and Memorial Museum houses a permanent exhibition about the life of renown Ukrainian actress of the 19th century, her memorial apartment and theatrical drawing room. The materials cover the life and work of Zankovet’ska from birth to 1917, and apartment where she lived - from 1918 to 1934.
Address: 121, Velyka Vasylkivs’ka street
30th of October
ukr history museum
The National Museum of the History of Ukraine, located nearby picturesque Andriyivskyy Descrent, illustrates Ukraine's history from ancient times till nowadays. The building was constructed in 1944 by the project of Joseph Karakis. Exposition includes ethnographic material, vast collection of Scythian Art, numismatic collections, early printed books.
Address: 2, Volodymyrska street
The Hetmanate Museum situated in the building of the late 17th century, known in Kyiv as «Ivan Mazepa House», introduces visitors to the rich history of Ukrainian state. The exposition includes personal 6 thousand exhibits, including personal possessions of Ukrainian hetmans, and a vast collection of things from the Cossack way of life, swords, cannonballs, and powder.
Address: 16B, Spaska street
Be sure to check the admission hours and excursions in advance!
Photo sources:, National Literature Museum of Ukraine, The National Museum of the History of Ukraine, The National Art Museum of Ukraine and Ukrainian State Museum of Theater, Music and Cinema facebook pages. All images belong to their rightful authors.


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