Korners ‘Art of XIX-XX centuries’ Auction

Korners ‘Art of XIX-XX centuries’ Auction

Korners Auction House will launch a completely new auction format for Ukrainian art market. The auction will be held on April 7, 2016 featuring a pre-auction exhibition that will open its doors on March 29, 2016.

Korners Auction House invites all the art lovers to the opening of the pre-auction exhibition, which will be hosted by D12 Art Hall on March 29, 2016 at 7pm. The exhibition will run from 10am till 7pm daily, up to the auction date – April 7, 2016. The ‘Art of XIX-XX centuries’ Auction will start at 7pm.
The auction collection, consisting of 131 lots, includes icons; paintings of artists, who worked in the late XIX - early XX centuries (V. Kotarbinskyy, A. Makowski, M. Prakhov); Ukrainian artists of the XX century (M. Glushchenko, F. Zakharov, C. Lomykin, S. Shyshko, O. Shovkunenko, M. Derehus, G. Yakutovych). The gems of the collection are the works of Western European masters of XIX-XX centuries, among which Salvador Dali’s and Henry Matisses’s graphic works are presented.

Read: Ukrainian Modern Art Auction in Kiev

Korners Auction House, for the first time in Ukraine, is going to conduct the auction according to the ‘Dutch system’: prices for lots will be dropped, but never raised. Reserve prices for some lots are USD 1!
Korners Auction House is famous not only for its auctions but for its support of research and publishing as well as for its exhibitions and humanitarian projects. The auction house takes part in creation and promotion of legislative initiatives related to transfer of cultural treasures across the state border of Ukraine. It cooperates with the International Federation of Antiquaries and Art Dealers (CINOA), the Society of Antiquaries of France (Société des antiquaires de France), the International Confederation of Antiquaries and Art Dealers in Moscow and the Society of Antiquaries of London.

Read: Famous Kyiv auction houses
Everyone will have a chance to start a collection by purchasing the lot, which has a market value of USD 1,000 for symbolic USD 10. Think about visiting ‘Art of XIX-XX centuries’ Auction, it promises to be interesting!

When: April 7, 2016, 7pm
Where: D12 Art Hall (12 Desiatynna str., Kiev)


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