GENIUS LOCI exhibition dedicated to Tonino Guerra

GENIUS LOCI exhibition dedicated to Tonino Guerra

Kyiv National Museum of Russian Art, KalytaArtKlub Gallery and Tonino Guerra Association (Italy) are pleased to invite all to the opening of the 1st international festival "GENIUS LOCI.

It will be the final exhibition of creative works by Ukrainian artists who travelled to Italy this summer and visited 4 cities.

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This «GENIUS LOCI» voyage was dedicated to Tonino Guerra, who could celebrate his 95th birthday this year. In addition to paintings, written by Tonino Guerra, the exposure will include prints and tapestries created by the maestro and kindly provided specially for the exhibition by his wife Laura Guerra.
The exhibition opening will take place on December 22 at 18:00 at the Kyiv National Museum of Russian Art at Tereshchenkivska street, 9.


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