‘Everything for 100’ Auction in Kyiv

‘Everything for 100’ Auction in Kyiv

‘Everything for 100’ Auction of visual arts and graphics in Kyiv is promising an attractive deal for all the lots to start with the price of USD 100!

The works of famous representatives of Ukrainian and foreign art will be exhibited at the Kyiv History Museum from April 19, 2016 until April 22, 2016. After the exhibition an already traditional spring auction will take place at the same venue on April 23, 2016 at 2pm. However, this year’s format will be new and unusual: the starting price will be the same for each lot – USD 100.
Ninety lots from more than fifty authors will be presented at the ‘Everything for 100’ Auction. The most famous among them are: Matvey Vaisberg, Mykola Hlushchenko, Erte, Taras Kovach, Roman Minin and others.
The special exhibit of the show and one of the main lots of the auction is the monumental work of Tamara Khitrova ‘Collective Farm in Dneprodzerzhinsk’ (140x210 cm, oil on canvas, 1957).

Read: Famous Kyiv auction houses
The online catalog is available on the website www.arsani.ua. This event is a unique opportunity to add new items to an existing collection or to start collecting works of art.
The pre-auction exhibition will be held on April 19-22, 2016 from 10am until 6pm at the Kyiv History Museum.
When: April 23, 2016, 2pm
Where: Kyiv History Museum (7 Bohdana Khmelnytskoho str., Kyiv)


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