DOLCE VITA: Ukrainian Pop Art by Sergey Marunych

DOLCE VITA: Ukrainian Pop Art by Sergey Marunych

Welcome to exhibition of Sergey Marunich (b. 1993), a young Ukrainian artist, designer, illustrator and brand builder from Ternopil, Western Ukraine, better known as S.M.ART (Sergey Marunych Art).

His first personal exhibition DOLCE VITA introduces the world to Richi, a character from a hyperrealist world of luxury and freedom, whose element is an endless river of ‘green’. According to the artist, ‘Richi’ lives in every one of us. He is the symbol of our unlimited potential, an archetype of success and our absolute fulfilment in all areas of life.
Drawing from his extensive experience in luxury branding, having studied the biographies of over 500 successful people all over the world, Sergey Marunych says: ‘Ukrainian society has quite a negative attitude towards money, which stems from our current situation… I personally prefer the Western approach, where people who contribute something significant to society – like light bulb inventor Edison or Facebook mastermind Zuckerberg – reap a considerable reward!’
The exhibition takes place 08.08 – 14.08.2017, open 11.00 – 19.00 daily.
Triptych: Global Arts Workshop
34 St Andrew’s Descent (Andriyivskyy Uzviz), Kyiv, UKRAINE
 tel. 044 279 0759; 050 469 5439


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