Art Now: Kyiv Art Week 2017

Art Now: Kyiv Art Week 2017

Kyiv Art Week (KAW) festival will take place in the capital of Ukraine from May, 3rd to May, 7th 2017 during the Eurovision International Song Contest. This will be the second time KAW festival will gather many art enthusiasts from different countries in Ukraine. KAW 2017 is a modern format international art event dedicated to contemporary art, with an art fair as a key event.

In 2017 the best Ukrainian galleries and galleries from Poland, Georgia and Brazil will be taking part in the Kyiv Art Week. Traditionally, the festival offers a diverse museum program, exhibitions in the galleries all over the city, conferences, workshops and lectures as well as concerts and parties with the popular and bright musiciaanns and music bands.

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Kyiv Art Week is the first Ukrainian art event that introduces internationally recognisedrecognized format of "art weeks". This format is proven for its efficiency in enriching city cultural scene, institutional development and overall promotion of arts. Kyiv Art Week points of differentiation are pluralism of content and dialogue between traditions and modernity. All participants of the project are putting on their efforts to create synergy in mutual intention to create new platform for presentation of latest achievements of contemporary culture. The most famous events of this type are- Berlin Art Week, Paris Art Week, Singapore Art Week, London Art Week. They successfully attracted a large number of tourists from across the country and the world.

The key venue of Kyiv Art Week 2017 will be Toronto business centrecenter Toronto, and the main event of the festival, the Art Fair, will engage about 30 galleries from around the world. There will be a presentation of curatorial projects by artist Georhiy Senchenko, art dealer Igor Abramovich and other cultural figures.
Read: New Cultural Space in Kyiv

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This year KAW combines significant artistic places of the capital with the main theme of the week - "Art Now", which aims to show the public the best works of contemporary art created in different styles - painting, video, installation and modern electronic music that officially became part of the modern culture in many European cities.

Kyiv Art Week has several important missions that were identified last year and actively implemented, namely to develop the image of Kyiv as a European cultural capital; to make the city attractive for international tourism; to revive the interest of international institutions in the Ukrainian culture and maintain unique multicultural dialogue with neighbouringneighboring countries.
Six museums - National Picture Gallery, National Museum of Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko, Kyiv History Museum, Ivan Honchar National Museum and Shevchenko National Museum - will show special projects and exhibitions during KAW 2017.

KAW 4 May

KAW 5 May

KAW 6 May

KAW 7 May

An international conference which will be attended by acknowledged cultural experts: Julie Reshe, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis and Neurophilosophy (Slovakia, USA), Guido Faßbender, curator Berlinische Galerie, Taras Wozniak, editor and founder of the "Ї" independent magazine "Ї", director general of the Lviv Nnational Ggallery of Arts will take place on May 4th, 2017 at the National Shevchenko University.


Read: «Kyїv art school» Project at Kyiv History Museum
Kyiv Art Week provides a unique opportunity to get acquainted with a modern culture today, to learn the experience of leading art institutions, to feel what art is now. The detailed program can be found here. More information about the key event of the KAW 2017, the Art Fair, and the list of all galleries taking part in this event can be viewed under the link.

Images taken at KAW 2017 official web page. All images belong to their rightful owners. 


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