Eco-goods Store at a Public Waste Sorting Station in Kyiv

green house

There are already a lot of successful practices in the world of responsible way of handling waste than just throwing garbage into the environment. Ukraine does not stand aside and thanks to such initiatives as "Україна без сміття” (Ukraina bez smittya – No waste Ukraine) garbage reform has been realizing here.

This public project is looking for ways out of the “garbage” crisis in Ukraine actively. Recently they opened an offline store of eco goods at a public waste sorting and recycling center in Kyiv on Saperno-Slobodska St., 25/4, Demiyivska metro station.
In the store anyone can donate valuable resources for recycling and buy goods that reduce the amount of some plastic waste by 100%. It is also possible to buy such eco-goods like shopping bags, shoppers, water bottles, bamboo brushes etc. in "Vsi.Svoi. Dіm ta décor” store on Khreshchatyk str., 34 and in "Altruist" cafe on Antonovich str., 1 in Kyiv.  In the recycling center anyone can buy containers for separate collection of garbage as well.
The eco friendly store and the center working schedule:
Monday, Tuesday – days off
Wednesday - Friday – 14.00-20.00
Saturday – Sunday – 10.00-16.00
Address: Saperno-Slobodska St., 25/4, Demiyivska metro station.
In addition to this sorting station there are stations on Kalnyshevskogo, 2 street (Obolonsky district), st. Zdolbunivska, 4 (Darnitskiy district) and on Drizera, 8 street (Desnyansky district). They accept such recyclables as plastic, paper, glass, metal and more.
The store is a social project and 30% of the profits from the sale will be used to finance existing and new stations in the capital.
Source of information:

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