Smart Plaza Obolon opened in Kyiv

Young people after shopping

Smart Plaza Obolon - a new shopping center on Marshal Timoshenko Avenue, near Mins’ka Metro Station, opened on January 25, 2019.

Two-storey shopping center with an area of 15,000 square meters is a part of the same name residential complex. This is a regional mall for everyday shopping.
On the first floor a supermarket "Silpo" takes the area of 3200 square meters. The store has its own bakery with tandoor, grilled cooking section, shaurma, pizza and sushi. Customers are served by 10 cash desks and six self-service terminals.
Smart Plaza Obolon
The KFC Fastfood is located on two levels. There is a gallery of fashionable clothes and footwear, Comfy supermarket of electronics, Kyivstar, Vodafone, Jewelry, Citrus, Yves Rocher, Tez tour travel agency, Study Academy of English language and the coffee house. In February Eurasia and Mamamia restaurants start to work.
"On the second floor there are very high ceilings with large windows so that during lunch or dinner it is possible to enjoy the picturesque view of Obolon", - noted commercial director of A Development Darya Kukharenko.
Address: Marshal Tymoshenka Av, 21/19, Kyiv

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